Written Confession: Stalked by a Bipedal Creature on Skyline Drive
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was 18 or 19 yrs old I saw something at 1 or 2 am on Skyline Drive in Virginia, just north of the swift run entrance which is on Rt 33. I went up there during that winter night to listen to distant cb traffic in my car. If I'm not mistaken it was January or February of 1991. I had not long returned home from Ft Benning Georgia after completing basic training. I had driven 1 or 2 miles north after entering the drive and did a U turn to pull off at an overlook to listen to my Cb radio…
Written Confession: Tall White Creature Behind the Tree in Washington
The following written confession was submitted via email: I’m from Washington State near Spokane, Cheney to be exact. Im 30 years old this year and this happened to me when i was a teenager. Its thickly wooded everywhere in the NW. Our family traps and hunts along with Predator abatement like coyotes, bobcats etc. One day id say around summer 2010 my brother and a close friend and i decided to go call in some coyotes near my parents property which is out of town a ways. It was mid to late afternoon which isnt ideal but we had seen a few wondering during the day earlier that week. We grabbed a rifle and our predator call box with the rabbit wiggler and headed towards an old hay field deep in the woods….
Written Confession: The Charging Cornfield Creature
The following written confession was submitted via email: …[Y]ears ago when I was a teenager, a small group of neighborhood boys and I were chased out of a cornfield that butted up against our subdivision. The thing (for lack of a better word) was Jet black and hunched over like an ape or some kind of beast. It was staring at us from about 20-30 feet away and practically motionless…
Written Confession: Telepathic Creature Speaks to Hunter in South Carolina
The following written confession was submitted via email: …Now this was last October. I was hunting from the ground and I had 4 does run by me very spooked and then 3 of those deer ran back by me . As I was sitting there I noticed that there was what I thought was a wild hog on the ground about 50 yards away from me. As I struggled to see what it was, looking back I believe this animal was fazing into our reality….
Written Confession: The Cellophane Man and the Green Ghost
The following written confession was submitted via email: I have been searching for a story involving a transparent 'thing" and I came across your podcast. I live in Wichita, KS and in 1988 all the older teenagers / young 20's would all party at a park on a golf course after dark. There was a row of parking stalls that faced a wooded area with some picnic tables and tall light poles, etc. One night my niece was parked in a stall with her friend who was sitting in the driver's seat. He kept looking out the windshield toward her side of the car and seemed to be preoccupied with what was in a tree…
Written Confession: Pennsylvania Dogman at the Back Door
The following written confession was submitted via email: To put in perspective I’m from northwestern pa this happens yrs ago the first story I was with my grandmother who is this 4’11 full blooded sioux she always cranky and she’ll smack a smile off a grizzly well one night we were sitting at the table eating dinner mind you she liked her whiskey could drink everclear straight kind of women so as we’re sitting at the table we start hearing this weird like grunting sounds coming from the outside like a mixture of a dog an a pig…
Written Confession: A Lucid Dream Journey to the Floating Rock Planet
The following written confession was submitted via email: After listening to the Dark Shift episodes, I thought I'd share an experience I had sometime around 2004 . . . A little back history here, I enrolled in a 2 week course called "Psychic Development". It started off with learning how to meditate and then got into other topics like astral travel, remote viewing, and lucid dreaming. I was particularly interested in the lucid dreaming . . .
Written Confession: Woman in White Apparition Caught on Home Security Cam?
The following written confession was submitted via email: I was listening to 678 and a description stood out to me of something that has been seen in physical form twice in the house I currently live in. I actually managed to capture an image of it, totally by accident…
Written Confession: The Demon Clown Creature in Indiana
The following written confession was submitted via email: ...I had encounter with my brother probably about 13 years ago that has changed my life, left me with permanent anxiety and fears and have spent every year since researching online, watching every ghost show and paranormal show trying to find something to help me understand what my brother and I encountered...
Written Confession: Strange 1920s Apparition Puzzles Family in Kentucky
The following written confession was submitted via email: Early summer 86/87. Me and my brother's were throwing a football around in our front yard. We lived out in the country in Kentucky. Anyway my brother threw the football and I missed it, it rolled under a bush. I crawled under and got it. When I stood up to throw it, my brothers were both staring at the road...
Written Confession: The Night Bigfoot Turned Into a Man at Trout Lake
The following written confession was shared via email: Here's my Bigfoot story of when the big guy morphed into a human and then three days later you won't believe what happened! At the end of July 2020 my husband and I went on a trip across the country to film for my YouTube channel and to attend a conference in Trout Lake, Washington....
Written Confession: The Night a Clown with a Knife Came Knocking
The following written confession was shared by a member of The Confessionals via mobile app: [Episode] 676 - I'll tell my experience that me, my aunt and her friend had. My aunt is just 8yrs older than me, so we were all young. I was 5yrs old. I was over at her house, she and her friend was babysitting me. The house is in a suburb of Tulsa which at that time was pretty rural area, so it has always perplexed me about how this occurred….
Written Confession: Unexplainable Glowing Orb Sighting in Ireland
The following written confession was submitted via email: On July 10th 2022, I was lying on a hammock in the garden of the apartment block where I live, in Youghal, Co Cork, Ireland, just enjoying the hot afternoon and watching the seagulls flying above me, when out of the blue (literally) a small, glowing white sphere, came over the roof of our building, directed itself down a little and then straightened out and flew straight over me….
Written Confession: A Bizarre Encounter with Greys and a Delta Syringe
The following written confession was submitted via email: So I've been listening to your podcast and it got me kinda shook. It shook me a bit because it confirmed some of what I had otherwise been telling myself was just a dream. So I was listening to one of your cast and I heard your guest talk about one of their abduction experiences where these things came and took him and injected him with a tri or delta syringe. When he said that I flipped because I knew exactly what he was talking about….