Written Confession: Stalked by a Bipedal Creature on Skyline Drive

The following written confession was submitted via email:

I'm 52 as of right now. When I was 18 or 19 yrs old I saw something at 1 or 2 am on Skyline Drive in Virginia, just north of the swift run entrance which is on Rt 33. I went up there during that winter night to listen to distant cb traffic in my car. If I'm not mistaken it was January or February of 1991. I had not long returned home from Ft Benning Georgia after completing basic training. I had driven 1 or 2 miles north after entering the drive and did a U turn to pull off at an overlook to listen to my Cb radio. At night the signal bounces off the atmosphere allowing you to hear people from a very very long way away. As I sat at the overlook I let the engine run to keep warm. My car was a 4 speed Pontiac sunbird so I had to keep my foot on the brake to prevent the car from rolling. As I sat there listening to people talking I had a fun urge to look outside. So I looked around and into the inside rear view mirror. I saw something there, hairy, lean and muscular. And it was on two legs. All I could see was from top of the shoulder down to the top or mid thigh. Its elbow was below the waist line. I never saw the head/face thank the good Lord. I can only imagine the psychological damage that would have done. I took off immediately and didnt look back. So I dont know if it followed me any if at all, I was too scared to look back. Now I have a question for you, have you hear of people blocking out their encounters? I believe I did for almost 30 years. I started getting on the internet about 7 years ago reading bigfoot encounters. Then I ran across dogman encounters and the physical description of the dogman matches what I saw. I began remembering little parts of that night. I finally realized that has to be what I saw.


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