Written Confession: Telepathic Creature Speaks to Hunter in South Carolina

The following written confession was submitted via email:

I recently picked up my bow to go hunting for whitetail after about a 15 year hiatus. I have moved to Columbia SC from NC . But I was raised in the mountains of West Virginia. Where I was hunting in SC was part of the urban hunting that was provided almost in the city right on the outskirts I had moved to a apartment and found 15 acres were there were at least 6 deer on it . 4 does and two bucks was what I have seen . Now this was last October. I was hunting from the ground and I had 4 does run by me very spooked and then 3 of those deer ran back by me . As I was sitting there I noticed that there was what I thought was a wild hog on the ground about 50 yards away from me. As I struggled to see what it was ,looking back I believe this animal was fazing into our reality because it was hard to make out details I saw me and almost whispely raised to its feet it was not a hog . It started coming to me and I was scared as hell so I started barking like a dog . It just stood there for what seemed like an eternity. So once it stopped coming to me I stopped the ridiculous barking. I put up my hand to waive to it just to make sure that it was really there and then it waved back at me and I heard a loud scream off in the distance and it took off . As I sat there staring at this thing I had been speaking to it thru my mind I asked it what it was doing here and it said that it was heading towards the ocean with its family and the abounded buildings on the property was were they were staying. I left and went home grabbed a bag a coconut cookies and took them back out there they was gone the next day. I don’t know what I saw but I think it was a Bigfoot . I can only assume that the 4 door that ran by me was being herded to a waiting compadre that’s why only 3 immediately came back by me . The scream I heard sounded like a overgrown barn owl. Can someone explain to me what I saw ?


Philly Plane Crash


VIDEO: The Shocking Truth about Hunting for Portals | Tony Merkel