Written Confession: The Charging Cornfield Creature

The following written confession was submitted via email:

…[Y]ears ago when I was a teenager, a small group of neighborhood boys and I were chased out of a cornfield that butted up against our subdivision. The thing (for lack of a better word) was Jet black and hunched over like an ape or some kind of beast. It was staring at us from about 20-30 feet away and practically motionless. I had a friend grab a piece of dried corn off the stalk and throw it at the thing. We could see that it hit the creature but it still didn't budge. There was the metal head of a broken shovel on the ground. My friend grabbed it, winged it at the thing and there was an audible chunk as it hit it perfectly in the head area. The thing was finally pissed and began running at us full speed, faster than any animal I know of in this state. You could see the cornstalks on either side flying up into the air. I yelled run and luckily we were close to the edge of the field and I was the last one to hurdle over the barbed wire. We ran across the street terrified and stood on the sidewalk looking back at the field. Whatever it was didn't want to leave the cover of the cornfield but you could see a set if yellow eyes staring at us. It would stop and then you would see the same set of eyes several feet along the edge. It was pacing back and forth angry at us. But it didn't want to leave. The next morning I mustered up some courage with another friend to go into the cornfield in daylight and try to see if I could figure out what happened. I found the row of corn where the thing ran for us and you could see where the stalks had fallen all over. What got me was the place where they had been cut. If you break a stalk with your hand it's hard work and will leave a jagged mark where it was broken. These stalks were severed clean through as if a razor just buzzed right through them. Several days later I was talking to another group of boys and told them the story of what had happened. Their expressions dramatically changed and their faces got white. They described something similar to what I had chasing them out of the field. After that night people who were there and knew avoided the cornfield and would even make a point to walk on the other side of the street which was residential housing. To this day I don't know what it was. But I know it wasn't natural.


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