Written Confession: The Night Bigfoot Turned Into a Man at Trout Lake
The following written confession was shared via email:
Here's my Bigfoot story of when the big guy morphed into a human and then three days later you won't believe what happened!
At the end of July 2020 my husband and I went on a trip across the country to film for my YouTube channel and to attend a conference in Trout Lake, Washington. Only problem is; to stay at the Conference property we had to sleep in a tent. Well, dang, who knew a two man tent equals a one man tent for an infant? Not me! I thought I was slick buying all that camping gear but when we got there at about 10:00 pm. and set the that tiny tent up - I found out that I should have bought a 10 man tent! Lord! We could barely zip it up over the 2 cots inside. Seems funny now. Grrrrr. LOL. Well, that first night, my husband woke up around 3:00 am and had to do some fluid releasing. When he unzipped the tent to get out, that tent material snapped back and shrunk, leaving my head sticking out. So I laid there on my stomach looking around and just enjoying the cold 48 degree temps … and waited for him to get back from his long trek to the "stinky greenhouse". There was a street light over the port-a-potties down that long path and I heard some crunching so I looked over and saw [him] walking back. It was cold so he was wearing a hoodie. He's 6'2" and very broad shouldered with narrow hips. But as he drew a little closer I said, "Wait a minute. That's not [him]. That guy is bigger."
The "guy" was walking towards me on the path and the closer he drew the bigger he got, to the point that I exclaimed out loud, into the dark, "That guy is waaaay bigger…" As he drew even closer I breathed out, "That guy is freaking HUGE!" I could only see his silhouette from that street light that was now way behind him. BUT, our tent was only 10 feet off that path and when he got right in front of me, I blinked and he changed into a tall skinny man with a baseball hat (not a hoodie), T-shirt, and shorts. How the heck had he looked like he was wearing a hoodie? You know? No neck at all. And where did all that bulky body go? I mean really? A T-shirt and baseball hat? Strange. Anyway, he walked in front of a tree and disappeared! GONE! I gasped, "Where'd he go???" I listened...nothing! No sounds, no foot falls on the path or crunches. Nothing. He was just GONE! About a minute later, I heard some crunching and turned to look and saw [my husband] way down there by the street light, walking back up the path. As he drew closer he did NOT get bigger like that other guy did. I watched and purposely compared his size to that other "guy". Nope...no distortion at all. A few minutes later we were zipped back up in the tent and falling asleep. The weird thing is that I never even mentioned what happened...
Image shared with permission from Markay Mull, Offbeat Discoveries.
On the third day that we were there (this place is magic - it's 13 miles from Mt. Adams and the only reason I agreed to camp there was because David P. said that there were no cases of missing peeps near Mt. Adams.). There are a lot of UFO's there and strange lights, though. So, back to the story....on the last day there, [my husband] was taking down the tent and hanging with some new friends and I was having a cig. at the fire pit. One of the sound technicians came over and sat next to me on the bench and asked if I wanted to see his new toy. I said, "Sure." He brought out a thermal sensor and pointed it at a few people. They looked like orange and red and yellow BLOBS on the screen. I thought that was pretty cool. But then....all of a sudden, he pointed the sensor at a person walking from our left towards the right and no blobs. Nope. This guy made a perfect image of a Bigfoot cartoon. I said, "Dang, that looks just like Bigfoot." The technician said, "It sure does." Then he hollered at the guy, "Dude! You've got your Bigfoot strut on today." The Dude didn't answer, so I looked up and who did I see???? That very same tall skinny man wearing a baseball hat, Tshirt, and shorts. I watched him intently, really taking in his face. IT WAS MANNEQUIN perfect. Too perfect - especially after camping! And he must have been nearly 7 feet tall. I watched him until he went out of view between 2 buildings.
Later that day, on our way to another destination, I wrote everything down that had happened. I didn't want to forget the details. And I told [my husband] about it. When we got back home I painted a very rough painting of that fire pit encounter (see below or I'll attach it with the email). And then I started a deep dive into the Bigfoot rabbit hole. After that, I began painting original Bigfoot art. Also, I began having some weird owl experiences. Think I picked up a hitchhiker, but that part makes this story too long for you to have to read in one sitting. Love your work, Tony. Love your Christian ethics, too. God bless you and your family.