Written Confession: A Bizarre Encounter with Greys and a Delta Syringe

The following written confession was submitted via email:

So I've been listening to your podcast and it got me kinda shook. It shook me a bit because it confirmed some of what I had otherwise been telling myself was just a dream. So I was listening to one of your cast and I heard your guest talk about one of their abduction experiences where these things came and took him and injected him with a tri or delta syringe. When he said that I flipped because I knew exactly what he was talking about. When I was younger I had came home and decided I was going to take a nap before my mom came home then get up and do my chores. So knowing I was going to have to get up I decided to leave my socks on. So I laid down in my bedroom floor and the next thing I remember is coming to and I'm on my back, now the crazy thing is when I went to sleep I was on my stomach. So I come to and I'm on my back and there is like this bright light above me like an OR light. As I'm laying there I can sence that there are other people in the room like I'm not alone, but I can't move all I can do is lift my head just a little bit. I look down and I see one of these greys walk up but this one's taller then the normal ones. The next thing I know is it steps up into the light and reaches up and grabs this thing like it's a mechanical arm with this 3 point syringe on it. He grabs my right foot and rotates it outward then injects or takes something into my ankle and then I just kinda blacked out. The next thing I remember is them lowering me back down onto the floor. I can remember like I could hear their thoughts and one of them was like don't forget his sock, and then one of them takes my sock and lays it down on the ground right in front of my face as if to make sure I find it when I wake up. So I wake up and sit up in the floor and I'm like man that was a crazy dream. Then I look down and there is my sock laid nice and neat where my head was. Just the one, so I look down and the sock on my left foot is still on. So now I'm really starting to freak out so I'm thinking if this was a dream then there won't be any marks on my foot. So I pull my pants leg up and yep. Sure enough there they were three puncture marks in a delta shaped pattern all evenly spaced. So just to be sure I run out in the living room looking for my sister to ask her. She's in the kitchen cooking something so I'm like hey look at my foot does it look like I got stuck with a needle? She bends down and looks and goes yea looks like you got stuck with a syringe; then proceeds to point out all three marks! That was when I realized that was no dream. So any who yea I knew exactly what that guy was talking about. I've had a few other wild experiences too. But yea thanks for the show and answering His call.


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