Written Confession: The Night a Clown with a Knife Came Knocking

The following written confession was shared by a member of The Confessionals via mobile app:

[Episode] 676 - I'll tell my experience that me, my aunt and her friend had. My aunt is just 8yrs older than me, so we were all young. I was 5yrs old. I was over at her house, she and her friend was babysitting me. The house is in a suburb of Tulsa which at that time was pretty rural area, so it has always perplexed me about how this occurred. We were inside the house, not doing much of anything. There was an area in the house where the kitchen table was, which is by the back door. There was a window by the table and you could look out and see people standing at the back door. Across the width of the house from the back door was the front door. This house isn't real big. And a window in the living room was situated so you could see who was standing at the front door. Out of nowhere, a harsh knock came at the front door. My aunt and her friend rushed to the front window and looked, their eyes got big and a look of fear and concern on their face, she says "there's a clown at the door". Immediately I felt fearful. I said "no! Don't open the door!" They backed away from the door and we all waited for another knock, but it jiggled the locked door!! I went and tried to hide anywhere I could, my aunt had me get under a blanket by the bar and recliner. We all waited for more knocking or something. Nothing. For what felt like a long time, she waited about 3 or 4 minutes and they went back and looked out the window, nobody was there. After about 10 minutes, I came out from the blanket and was terrified and talking to the girls about it. About that time, knocking came from the back door!! I ran and hid under the kitchen table, which was by the back window. I'm terrified to death. My aunt and her friend are crying and screaming a little. I look up at that window from under the table, HE POPS UP IN THE WINDOW AND LOOKED RIGHT AT ME! He had this evil smile and jagged looking teeth, and then, he holds up a knife and giggles!! I lose it, my aunt grabs me and runs me back into the master Bathroom and hid me in the linen closet, we all pile in and wait for my grandma to get there. It was close to time for her to be home from work or something. We was all in the bathroom huddled up and crying. We heard it knock one more time. No more knocks or anything after that. My grandma comes home and we all told her what happened. 

It never happened again. Still don't know who or what that was, but it was absolutely real.

…we never really talked about it after that. She seemed to think it was a freak person, me, I still have a feeling it was paranormal. There's no way it could not have been seen by my grandma if it was a real person. They lived on 5 acres and had a long driveway. The house was almost in the middle of it. She got home within 5 to 10 minutes of the last knocking. I'm 49 now and this is the first time that I've publicly told this. But after the episode, it answered so many questions about that.


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