Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Ghosts, Video Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: Weird Footage Catches 'Ghost Pants' Running Down the Street

It’s 10:00pm - do you know where your pants are? According to a weird video clip circulating the internet, it’s possible they’re running down the street. Some alleged “ghost pants” were caught on film sprinting through the night, and the mysteryhood of the traveling pants has drawn much speculation, including a spirit, a hoax, and even the famous Fresno Nightcrawler.

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Adventure, Legion of Legends, Video Lindsay Merkel Adventure, Legion of Legends, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: Exploring An Abandoned Industrial Park | Legion Of Legends First Episode is Here!

The first episode of LEGION OF LEGENDS is here! Legion of Legends is a new video series, produced in affiliation with The Confessionals Podcast, that explores tales of mysterious legends, abandoned places, lost treasures, and so much more! Episode 1: Exploring An Abandoned Industrial Park is available for viewing right here, and on The Confessionals Podcast YouTube channel.

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Old Woman With the Pet Finger

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …This happened when I was a child. I was 4-6 years old. I was staying the night with my aunt and my cousin( 2-4yoF). My parents were celebrating their anniversary. She lived in an apartment above a small grocery store. Me and my cousin were sharing a bed in my cousin’s bedroom. I am sleeping on the edge of the bed and my cousin is against the wall. Nothing seemed odd before we went to bed. We went to sleep. Sometime in the night I woke up because I thought I heard a creaking sound, like a door opening…

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BLOG: 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt

Oh, hey, fellow Pennsylvanians - it’s National Pennsylvania Day! As native Pennsylvanians, we’ve discovered the state we call home is full of creepy places, fascinating history, and mysterious legends. Some are well-known and well-traveled, while others are obscure and secret, but all of them are worthwhile treasures of experience! Whether you also hail from Pennsylvania or plan to visit the wonders of the Keystone State some day, be sure to check out these 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt in honor of National Pennsylvania Day!

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Demons Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Demons Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Early Morning McDonald's Run Ends with Demon Encounter

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …As my wife worked until 3am and I was on her sleep schedule so she wouldn't be lonely about 4am we were hungry and decided to grab some food. We ordered and were waiting at the window when we saw this guy walk up. I'm getting the nastiest feeling coming over me. Dread, despair, terror. I wanted to bolt from our car and run for my life. The guy just casually walked to the restaurant and when he passed under the street light I saw this thing floating behind him….

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BLOG: The Confessionals Podcast Paranormal Occurrences Tour to Burn Brae Mansion (and Other Mysterious Locations!)

In June, The Confessionals took its very first overnight trip into the paranormal! Partnered with the tour and travel company Educated Wanderer, we set off on our ‘Paranormal Occurrences’ tour to explore haunted locations and mysterious places in Pennsylvania and New York. Take a look through our photo album featuring all our unique stops along the way, including Columcille Megalith Park, the haunted Richmond Hotel and the Point Phillips Hotel, supernatural Hexenkopf Rock, and spooky Burn Brae Mansion!

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: The Apparition of the 'Woman in White'

Today we will be exploring the beautiful and haunted Burn Brae Mansion in New York! Burn Brae Mansion holds tales of different ghosts and paranormal activity within its many rooms, including one of the more famous figures of ghost lore - the “Woman in White.” The apparition of a pale lady in a white gown has become a common sighting over centuries of ghost stories, but remains no less chilling across history and culture. What do you know about the Woman in White?

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Does Eerie Door Cam Footage Reveal a Paranormal Entity or a Creepy Phrogger?

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by lawyergrrrl5: For about the past year, my boyfriend and I have noticed some really strange things happening at his house. We are both logical, analytical people who are not in touch with the paranormal or metaphysical world, but we have been unable to determine a reasonable explanation for what has occurred. It began on the evening of 8/13/2020. He and I were lying in bed, and a floor fan was running. We heard sounds coming from the kitchen….

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Truck Driver Rolls Up on Freaky Humanoid Creature Eating a Coyote in Utah

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by CaliforniaSun19: My friend drove for a few years a while back. He told me he was driving a rig very late at night in Utah. Driving on a lesser used two lane highway. He said he remembers feeling very alert that night. So he noticed what appeared to be a figure manifesting up ahead on the dark road. Told me it wasn't on the road but just next to it. He then comes to a stop and grabs his heavy duty flashlight and points it at the figure….

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Young Son Scared By Mom's Creepy Doppelgänger

The following writing confession was shared via Reddit: This wasn't so much me, as it was my 8yr old son.... I lived in a 5 bedroom home with my five children … There was a few things in this home, but nothing that was extremely alarming to me. Here and there, I would see things dart in the corner of my eye, hear things walking in the middle of the night.. the stereotypical things you'd have in a "haunted" house. To put a little pertaining perspective on the home, the kitchen was open into the living room…

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Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Sleep Paralysis Encounter Similar to Episode 323 - Something’s Coming in the Future

The following written confession was submitted via email in response to Episode 323 - Something’s Coming in the Future: I had a similar encounter about 3 years ago. Hearing the wooshing sound during a apparent sleep paralysis. I knew i was still awake. I had just laid down with my wife and she had already been asleep for 30 minutes. All i can remember was hearing a wooshing, more like a wump, wump, wump sound rotating around my head and…

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Paranormal, Cryptids, Humor Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, Cryptids, Humor Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 15 Funny Memes to Get in the Spirit of National Paranormal Day

Happy National Paranormal Day! May 3 commemorates all things creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky. If you’re looking for some hauntingly fun paranormal activities to do today, check out our handy guide, 8 Things to Do on National Paranormal Day - but first start getting yourself in the spirit(s) of the day with these 15 funny memes!

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Creature Feature Friday: Kushtaka, the 'Land Otter Man'

TODAY, April 30, The Confessionals Podcast and Anointed AK are dropping three new paranormal beard oil scents, in the form of Wendigo, Rake, and Kushtaka. While the two former creatures may be notorious enough to strike fear in your heart, the latter may not be so widely known. What IS Kushtaka… and just how frightening is it? Creature Feature Friday breaks the legend down!

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Recurring Dreams of Abduction by 'the Man with the Soft Face'

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: It first happened when I was 4 years old. I had a very strange dream where I saw a very tall (around 6'5) creature. Its skin was pinkish brown, it had bulging eyes, a red round nose and triangular teeth in its wide mouth. The creature was smiling, and its smile reminds me of what people now call 'the uncanny valley', both sadistic and happy….

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