BLOG: A Giant Came Out of a Door in the Mountain - Is the Oregon Giant Story True?
Whether or not real giants of biblical proportions are still roaming the modern world has always been a fascinating subject to us — but the questions are many, and the answers are as elusive as the giants themselves. So — since the Smithsonian won’t return our calls — we’re left to ponder snippets of stories from the far reaches of the internet and chase down recorded eyewitness sightings before they disappear (…the recordings and the eyewitnesses).
Written Confession: TC Listener Shares Eerie Randonautica Experience at an Abandoned Paper Mill
The following email and video were shared via email: First, I just wanna say that I really appreciate the Confessionals and the amount of effort you put into it. I listen to it every day at work. I was especially intrigued by the Randonautica episodes and decided to give it a shot myself. The first place it led me to was this abandoned paper mill 10 minutes from my house. I went with my buddy and we were pretty creeped out by what we found…
BLOG: 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt
Oh, hey, fellow Pennsylvanians - it’s National Pennsylvania Day! As native Pennsylvanians, we’ve discovered the state we call home is full of creepy places, fascinating history, and mysterious legends. Some are well-known and well-traveled, while others are obscure and secret, but all of them are worthwhile treasures of experience! Whether you also hail from Pennsylvania or plan to visit the wonders of the Keystone State some day, be sure to check out these 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt in honor of National Pennsylvania Day!