READ: Hundreds Search Loch Ness in Epic ‘Quest’ for Elusive Lake Monster
Intriguing sights and sounds have recently emerged from a major new investigation of Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands, sparking renewed excitement among Nessie enthusiasts. During the annual Nessie-hunting event known as Quest, organized by the Loch Ness Centre in Drumnadrochit, a couple of findings have come to light.
READ: Loch Ness Monster Hunters Enlist NASA in Epic Quest for Elusive Nessie
In its never-ending quest to find the Loch Ness Monster, Scotland’s Loch Ness Centre is looking skyward instead of under the surface for help in their pursuit of the Loch Ness monster— they're recruiting NASA.
READ: Beyond Myth - The Intriguing Belief in Cryptids Among Us
In a world where the bizarre and the unexplained capture our imaginations, it's no surprise that cryptids, the elusive creatures that straddle the line between myth and reality, have a special place in our hearts—and, as it turns out, our beliefs. A fascinating study published in the International Journal of Communication dives into this phenomenon, revealing just how many of us believe that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster are really out there.
VIDEO: Tony Joins the Union of the Unwanted - 22 | Cryptozoology, Bigfoot and More
Check it out! Tony was asked to join The Union of the Unwanted on March 22, 2021 for a paranormal roundtable discussion about cryptozoology, bigfoot, and more. If you missed the livestream last Monday, watch and listen to the show here.