Creature Feature Friday: The Gumberoo
There are a lot of strange things you don’t want to encounter in the woods, and one of them includes a fat, bald exploding bear. The Gumberoo comes out of lumberjack legends, hailing from the foggy region along the Pacific Coast. It bears a resemblance to black bears, except that it is completely hairless but for its bristly beard and big eyebrows.
VIDEO: Facebook User Shares Quick Clip of Strange Dark Figure Walking on Wooded Kentucky Road
If a mysterious video isn’t short, blurry, and shaky, is it even worth watching?! In a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ clip posted on Facebook, a FB user shared footage of what appears to be a tall figure robed all in black walking along a wooded road in Kentucky.
BLOG: The Scariest 4-Word Stories Written by The Confessionals Podcast Fans - 2nd Edition
October 31 is nearly here… If you’re in the mood for a good ghost story but you’re also short on time, take a quick scan through these 4-word scary stories written by The Confessionals Podcast fans! We picked 15 of our favorite mini tales of horror, submitted on our social media pages, to give you a fright and let your imagination run wild (or run away). They’re creepy and they’re kooky, and just the right amount of spooky!
BLOG: 15 Funny Memes to Get in the Spirit of National Paranormal Day
Happy National Paranormal Day! May 3 commemorates all things creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky. If you’re looking for some hauntingly fun paranormal activities to do today, check out our handy guide, 8 Things to Do on National Paranormal Day - but first start getting yourself in the spirit(s) of the day with these 15 funny memes!
VIDEO: It’s National Toast Day - Fire Up the Haunted Toaster!
It’s National Toast Day, so fire up the haunted toaster! The last Thursday in February is a day to celebrate toast, for some reason. So we’re dusting off this gem of an interview from 1984, featuring a one-of-a-kind haunted toaster! The unassuming appliance allegedly terrorized its owner by speaking satanic messages and burning her bread to a crisp. What could possess a toaster to commit such evil deeds? Well, the Devil, apparently. And nothing thaws a frozen waffle quite like scorching hellfire.
BLOG: The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 3)
Six weeks ago we brought you A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine, and two weeks after that came yet another meme blog post! Now here we are in May, still more or less in lockdown for over a month and a half, and I think we’ve finally run out of good COVID-19 memes. As a swan song to our three installments of COVID-19 memes, please enjoy The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine - plus three bonus videos that are worthy of being memes themselves! Fingers crossed we see you in a public place sans face masks and hazmat suits really soon. 🤞
BLOG: 10 More Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes
Many of us have been spending a lot more time in our homes lately, and prolonged cabin fever has us pondering what new inside activities we can come up with next. If you’ve already cycled through deep-cleaning, home renovations, and furniture rearranging like we have, take another internet break and check out some unfortunate discoveries people have found in their own homes, while doing the same activities, in 10 More Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes!
BLOG: Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2)
Well, it’s been over two weeks since our first batch of COVID-19 memes, and we’re still here… at home… looking at COVID-19 memes. If you’re still dodging coronavirus germs but catching cabin fever, take a few minutes to LOL at our second round of quarantine-themed memes from the funny folks of the internet.
BLOG: A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine
COVID-19 is everywhere - figuratively and literally. Scary, confusing, and conflicting updates are breaking nearly 24/7, and lack of a definitive end date to multiple crisis measures has the world holding its breath behind certified N95 respirator masks. To bring a little levity to a serious situation, we’re sharing our most favorite funny coronavirus memes! Crack open your stash of self-isolation snacks and enjoy!
BLOG: The Scariest 4-Word Stories Written by The Confessionals Podcast Fans
Happy Halloween! Last week we asked our listeners on social media to tell us their very best 4-word scary stories, and we’ve carefully curated a few of our favorite responses to share on this spooky day. Some scared us, some mystified us, and some just made us laugh (maybe to keep from crying at the sheer horror). For a quick scare from these micro ghost tales, check out the top 15 scary 4-word stories below!
BLOG: RIP Storm Area 51 - Remembering 20 of Our Favorite Memes About 2019's Most Viral Event
It’s the end of an internet era! After months of making headlines, the creator of Storm Area 51 announced that the epic event is officially dead. As a last swan song to the greatest worst event that will never be, we’re remembering Storm Area 51 with 20 of our favorite Area 51 memes! Take a last look at these meme gems from the good folks of the internet, and bid your dreams of joyriding a stolen alien spacecraft out of Area 51 goodbye.
BLOG: 10 Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes
Finding pentagrams carved into your concrete patio is not exactly a warm welcome to your new house… but that’s exactly what our interview guests on Episode 115: The Satanic Slaughterhouse discovered in their home! And they aren’t alone in their creepy finds. The Internet is full of photos of weird things left behind by former homeowners, usually uncovered by unsuspecting and mystified new residents. Here are just 10 creepy things people found in their homes:
BLOG: Weird News - Woman Thinks a Ghost is in Her Closet But Finds a Stranger Wearing Her Clothes Instead
No one wants a ghost living in their closet. And definitely no one wants a weird transient stranger living in their closet. Or asking them for hugs. Or wearing all their clothes. Honestly, having a ghost sounds better than all those things.
BLOG: Ugly Holiday Sweaters for a Crypto-Paranormal Christmas!
It’s the holiday season! That means it’s time again for spreading Christmas cheer and breaking out the old holiday traditions: decorations, gifts, festive music (on every single radio station), family togetherness... and ugly sweaters. For all of you fellow paranormal and cryptozoological enthusiasts, check out some of these truly terrible designs to inspire your ugly Christmas sweater collection.
BLOG: The 12 Best "Ancient Aliens" Memes on the Internet
In the world of memes, there may be none whose hair lives in greater infamy than that of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, better known as "that Ancient Aliens guy!"