Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities

Written Confession: Slithering Shadow Snake Blows Away in the Wind

The following written confession was submitted via email: I walked out the front door and noticed to my right a deep black smoky snake looking thing and it was sitting/arching upright on the right side of the window and looked like it was looking into the kitchen window. It was less than 10 feet away from me…

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Written Confessions, UFOs, Mystery, Portals Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, UFOs, Mystery, Portals Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Portal or UAP? Crafts Emerge From Bright White Light in the Sky

The following written confession was submitted via email: Around 2015, 2016 I lived in Angels Camp California, and was getting ready to walk my dog with my neighbors and we saw a bright light in the sky above the mountain behind Angels Camp. The bright light was blinking and it was the brightest light that I’ve ever seen…

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Mobster's Bloody Ghost Haunts Las Vegas Hotel Room

The following written confession was originally shared via Reddit: I was staying in the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas (oldest property on the strip with a sordid mob history). In the middle of the night, I woke and saw a dark figure moving around the foot of my bed and coming up the gap between the twin beds….

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Hauntings, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Hauntings, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Haunted By Holographic 'Rainbow People'

The following written confession was shared by username1987: This is the story of our 'rainbow people.' I was woken up at about 3 a.m. to the sound of footsteps in our bedroom. They were heavy, shuffling footsteps. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my husband returning from the bathroom, but there was someone else there instead….

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Creepy, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Creepy, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: A Roadside Nightmare

The following written confession was submitted online anonymously: This is my husband's story, but he won't speak of it anymore. He wants to forget it completely. So I'll tell the story. My husband and two of his cousins were driving late at night, coming back from the city. All of a sudden, their car broke down in farmland just before the dirt road that brings them home to the reserve. One of his cousins stood dead still, looking into the field, and asked them to come look….

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Written Confession: Spiritual Battle at Summer Camp

The following written confession was submitted via email: …I just finished listening to your interview with Pastor Daniel in 541 and there were just too many coincidences to not reach out… Like Daniel, I was put into a situation that - frankly - I wasn’t prepared for, but the Lord stepped up in a huge way. Unlike Daniel, however - my church tried to sweep it all under the rug…

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BLOG: A Trip Down the Conspiratorial Rabbit Hole with That Lady on a Plane and the "NOT REAL" Shapeshifting Person - Everything We Know So Far

Twitter is an uncivilized wilderness of weirdness. The latest, greatest descent into the rabbit hole of the Twitterverse comes courtesy of a viral video of a lady on a plane aggressively accusing her seat mate of being “not real.” On the surface, it could be relatively easy to dismiss the clip as a case of too much booze before boarding, or even a medical episode of delusion. But in the days since the original video first emerged, this particular rabbit trail has gotten curiouser and curiouser.

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Monsters, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Fourth of July Cornfield Creature

The following written confession was originally shared by Thought Catalog: This happened maybe 2 years ago. It was Fourth of July night, my fiancé and I had gone out with some friends to a small country town for their fireworks show. On the way back home, we were driving down country roads. It was dark and a little creepy being surrounded by cornfields…

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Stick Man Scare in Southeast Ohio

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by DiastrousTop3081: One day my son (age 8 at the time) was riding his scooter up and down the road (something he wasn't allowed to do for safety reasons.) So this country road has woods on both sides, but they aren't particularly dense on either side, and fields and a utility crossing splits the roadside woods from the bigger sections of forest. He suddenly comes running up the hill, white as a ghost, teary-eyed, and says he saw something scary in the woods…

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Dark Spirit That Follows

The following written confession was shared via Thought Catalog: My little brother had a psychotic episode after taking acid and staying up for multiple days. He ended up being admitted to a mental institution for a week or so and it was really traumatic for my mom but I believed he would make it out the other side okay. We went to pick him up, took him home, my mom went to bed but he was still acting very ‘off’…

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