BLOG: A Trip Down the Conspiratorial Rabbit Hole with That Lady on a Plane and the "NOT REAL" Shapeshifting Person - Everything We Know So Far

Twitter is an uncivilized wilderness of weirdness. Full stop.

The latest, greatest descent into the rabbit hole of the Twitterverse comes courtesy of a viral video of a lady on a plane aggressively accusing her seat mate of being “not real.”

On the surface, it could be relatively easy to dismiss the clip as a case of too much booze before boarding, or even a medical episode of delusion. But in the days since the original video first emerged, this particular rabbit trail has gotten curiouser and curiouser.

Here’s the whole crazy story:

On July 2, a woman boarded an American Airlines flight from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, bound for Orlando. Before takeoff, the woman became distraught and exited her seat, prepared to disembark immediately. As she marched up the aisle, she began a tirade explaining exactly why she was getting the heck off that flight: the person seated next to her was “NOT REAL” and she had no intention of dying on the plane with him. She pointed vehemently towards the back of the plane before leaving and disappearing into anonymity. As of the time of this writing, she has not yet been identified.

Naturally, the scene was captured on video and uploaded to Tiktok (language warning):

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Her claim is definitely an extraordinary one, and the unexpected event delayed the plane’s departure by three hours. After viewing the video, many in the internet audience were quick to peg the unidentified woman as either drunk or high - even tagging the video #drunkonaplane.

However, there are others who have commented that the woman’s fear seems genuine and believe she did see something that made her jump ship - er, plane. A different video of the bizarre episode recorded the woman telling flight attendants she needed to deplane so urgently that she didn’t even care if she left all her belongings behind (another language warning):

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But if she did see something, what exactly could it have been? Her declaration that “that motherf*cker back there is not real!” had some of the more conspiratorial-minded among us suspecting that she had witnessed a shapeshifter or a reptilian in disguise. Preposterous, right? But it doesn’t end there…

A few days later, another TikTok clip emerged. In the new video, an eyewitness who claims to have been on the flight described what he saw transpire. Although he admits he was only half-paying attention to the lady on the plane, he does recall her conversing with a man in a hoodie, who seemed to stare intently at her as she talked. The eyewitness thought the exchange was a bit strange, as the woman seemed to become increasingly upset while the man remained motionless and locked in on her.

Then, in a startling twist, the eyewitness claims that after the woman debarked, the man in the hoodie glanced around the cabin and then preceded to wink directly at him. Cool, cute - he’s trying to establish some rapport with the other passengers since some crazy lady just accused him of not being real. Except… he winked sideways.

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Wait, he what now? The eyewitness in the more recent video seems to confirm - or at least add some kind of credibility - to the woman’s claim that the man in the hoodie was not real.

With this turn of events, some of the internet conspiracy community have pondered if the woman was not drunk or fearful, but is in fact a planted crisis actor setting the stage for an extraterrestrial reveal party in the near future. After all, this bizarre video exchange, which swiftly reach viral status, comes hot on the heels of whistleblower David Grusch’s claim that the government is concealing evidence of “crafts of nonhuman origin” and the report of a Las Vegas family’s encounter with aliens in their backyard after they witnessed something fall from the sky. These claims are extraordinary and even uncomfortable to some people, but to others, they are an emerging pattern worth noting.

However, skeptics think the eyewitness is misremembering the event on the airplane or using his imagination to fill in details that he cannot remember. That claim is certainly possible, since he says himself he was not fully listening, but it is another piece of weirdness in an already weird occurrence.

Although the man in the hoodie also remains unidentified as of this writing, even more footage of the flight (…everyone in the world seems to be in a state of perpetual TikToking…) has been posted that gives a slightly clearer picture of a man who is presumably the person accused of not being real. He sports a green hoodie in a clip of flight attendants removing luggage from the overhead compartments:

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Is the Green Hoodie actually a shapeshifter? Did he let his human disguise slip when he talked to the lady on the plane? Would a reptilian really fly coach? So many questions and theories have arisen surprisingly quickly over the original #drunkonaplane video. People have been making ruckus at airports and on airplanes in multiple locations recently (thank you, Twitter, for just a few examples here, here, here, here, and here), but this clip in particular seems to have captured special attention…

…including some possible symbolism as the lady on the plane makes her exit.

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Did we really just jump from an angry lady on a plane to the Baphomet? Yes, we did, my friend. Sometimes you don’t just follow the rabbit hole - you swan-dive off the ledge headfirst.

In a still frame of the original video, it can be suggested that the lady on the plane makes a strikingly similar gesture to the “As above, so below” symbol used by occultists. The Baphomet, a hermaphroditic goat-headed deity, is frequently depicted making this discernible hand movement (two fingers pointing up and two pointing down) and is a popular figure in the Church of Satan. Secret satanic worship and occult rituals performed by elite leaders, including politicians and celebrities, are considered by some groups to be the means by which these leaders manipulate and mastermind the current affairs of the world. They incorporate symbolism into their evil processes in ways that are both obvious but simultaneously overlooked. (Perhaps like split second “As above, so below” hand gesture on an airplane?)

Image from CoinDesk.

Scores of celebrities have been suspected of being a part of these secret satanic organizations - we probably wouldn’t have room here to name every famous person thought to be involved in a mysterious secret society (dive down that diverging rabbit hole when you have a chance), so we’ll just check out one: music mogul Jay-Z has long been fodder for the rumor mill as a potential high-ranking member of the Illuminati, and/or a devil worshipper who has sold his soul for success.

This is not meant to be a commentary about the possible beliefs or practices of Jay-Z; it’s just a stop along the rabbit trail that brings us to this additional unusual piece of information: Jay-Z was also once accused of being a shapeshifting reptilian on an airplane.

Of course, if this story is true, it has been scrubbed as much as possible from the archives of the internet. But there are still a few videos available that describe a bizarre experience on a United Airlines flight in 2017, in which passengers allegedly witnessed Jay-Z rage in anger as he shapeshifted into a reptilian. Supposedly the hashtag #reptilianjayz began to sweep across Twitter after the plane landed in Los Angeles, and you can still search the hashtag on Twitter. But just as quickly, most of those tweets were allegedly removed. A few screenshots were taken and made their way into a video about the event, which you can view below. (Or check out details about the encounter in this additional linked article from Daily Motion.)

Could a superstar like Jay-Z really transform into a different entity in front of a plane full of people, and then have the entire outrageous occurrence hushed up?

Is latest case of a suspected shapeshifter on a plane an authentic encounter, or a psyop in the making?

…And why would Jay-Z fly business class?

As crazy as the story seems, in light of recent events, “Shapeshifting Reptilians on a Plane” may be a new theme for the paranormal and conspiracy communities to explore.

Finally, this is where the rabbit hole starts to bottom out. You can comb Twitter to find additional videos and vantage points featuring the lady on the plane and her epic “not real” freakout, and you can uncover a number of different theories about the whole weird affair: One alternative view has claimed that the woman in question was drinking prior to her flight, and flipped out at a passenger she believed had stolen one of her AirPods. Other accounts point to a different man on the plane, and not to the Green Hoodie, as the subject of her tirade. Still more posters have commented that the woman was observed to have not been drinking prior to boarding and was coherent until her sudden raving. You can even discover that the comedian Carrot Top was among the passengers who got grounded on that flight in Dallas. That’s probably unrelated to shapeshifting, but still, weird.

Cephalopoid knows what’s up.

So unless either the woman on the plane or the accused reptilian steps forward to share their own personal accounts of the events that transpired, everything here is pure speculation. White rabbits that could just be red herrings. People who are really lizards in human skins.

If you or anyone you know can locate Green Hoodie or Lady on a Plane, send ‘em right over to us for an interview, sideways-eyelids or no sideways-eyelids.

And for the time being, maybe avoid all eye contact with anyone on your next flight. You never know where you’ll encounter a reptilian, but chances are getting good it’ll be on an airplane.


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