Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Written Confessions, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Hanging Chandelier Woman

The following written confession was shared by Snoo-390 via Reddit: I've always seen paranormal beings since I was a child. However, ever since I'd moved in to the new house there were countless encounters - some being random incidents, others recurring. Let me give you guys a brief layout of my house: (First of all, it literally LOOKS haunted. I've had so many different friends come and visit and their first comment is always "your house looks haunted".) It's an old traditional wooden styled house where there is a huge spiraled staircase in the center of the home….

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Creature Feature Friday: ORANG GADANG

As if we needed a creature more gigantic than a regular Bigfoot, check out today’s Creature Feature Friday: the Orang Gadang! As Indonesia’s version of Bigfoot, Orang Gadang has have been spotted for centuries in the forests of Sumatra and Malaya, and allegedly towers up to 12 feet tall!

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Written Confessions, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Strange Woman in White Standing in the Rainforest

The following written confession was submitted via Reddit/r/BackwoodsCreepy: Ex boyfriend and I did a rainforest walk which drops deep down to the bottom of the forest. No other cars in the car park and didn’t come across any other hikers. We had it all to ourselves and had a great time for the most of it. As we were walking up my ex was ahead of me and suddenly stopped, raising his hand to signal for me to stop with him…

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Written Confession: Intercepted While Exploring at Raven Rock Mountain Complex

The following written confession was submitted via email: I just listened to your episode about Raven Rock and wanted to share an experience of my own... I'm from PA as well, and my buddies and I were spending a weekend in Gettysburg. We had heard about Raven Rock, and were relatively close by so we figured, what the heck... Let's go see it. At this point we weren't sure what was up there….

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Who Keeps Calling My Name?

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by WolfChrist469: When we first moved into the house I grew up in, I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house. Like...I would be in my room playing with Legos or something, and I would hear my dad call my name from his room. So I'd go to my parents' bedroom and ask them what they wanted, and they'd always tell me that they never called my name….

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COVID-19, Humor, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel COVID-19, Humor, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 3)

Six weeks ago we brought you A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine, and two weeks after that came yet another meme blog post! Now here we are in May, still more or less in lockdown for over a month and a half, and I think we’ve finally run out of good COVID-19 memes. As a swan song to our three installments of COVID-19 memes, please enjoy The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine - plus three bonus videos that are worthy of being memes themselves! Fingers crossed we see you in a public place sans face masks and hazmat suits really soon. 🤞

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Cryptids, Written Confessions, Monsters Lindsay Merkel Cryptids, Written Confessions, Monsters Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Kid's Brother Talks to a Strange Snake With Hands

The following written confession was submitted via email: This happened almost like 12 years ago I was 10 I believe and my brother was 7, it was a Saturday and my parents had gone to the grocery store so it was just me and him and some of my uncles were outside . I was just in my room when he starts screaming….

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Creepy, Humor, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel Creepy, Humor, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 10 More Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes

Many of us have been spending a lot more time in our homes lately, and prolonged cabin fever has us pondering what new inside activities we can come up with next. If you’ve already cycled through deep-cleaning, home renovations, and furniture rearranging like we have, take another internet break and check out some unfortunate discoveries people have found in their own homes, while doing the same activities, in 10 More Creepy Things People Found in Their Homes!

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COVID-19, Humor Lindsay Merkel COVID-19, Humor Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2)

Well, it’s been over two weeks since our first batch of COVID-19 memes, and we’re still here… at home… looking at COVID-19 memes. If you’re still dodging coronavirus germs but catching cabin fever, take a few minutes to LOL at our second round of quarantine-themed memes from the funny folks of the internet.

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Written Confessions, Mystery, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Mystery, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Unknown Woman Appears in Mysterious Phone Photo

The following written confession was submitted via Instagram message: My husband found this photo on his phone. It wasn’t airdropped we looked at the details it was taken around 1pm and we have never seen a woman who looks like this. This was after slight paranormal activities that happened around the house…

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Creature Feature Friday, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Creature Feature Friday, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: The Tulip Staircase Ghost

Perhaps one of the most inexplicable ghost photographs that has not yet been debunked, the Tulip Stair Ghost is the focus of our Creature Feature Friday! While vacationing in 1966, the Reverend Ralph Hardy took the now-famous photo of the Tulip Staircase Ghost in the Queen's House in Greenwich, England. Hardy developed his pictures back at home and realized that, in taking a photo of the Tulip Staircase, he had captured a ghostly apparition as well!

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