BLOG: The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 3)
Six weeks ago we brought you A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine. Two weeks after that came Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2).
Now here we are in May, still more or less in lockdown for over a month and a half. It’s definitely gotten boring, frustrating, and tiresome. And, horrors, I think we’ve finally run out of good COVID-19 memes! While we wait optimistically for the country to (very slowly) reopen, we’ve scraped together the very last bests of coronavirus-related memes to close out what we hope are everyone’s final days of isolation.
As a swan song to our blog installments of COVID-19 memes, please enjoy The FINAL ROUND of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine - plus three bonus videos that are worthy of being memes themselves! Fingers crossed we see you in a public place sans face masks and hazmat suits really soon. 🤞
….And now it’s on to scrolling through murder hornet memes.
It’s a surprising disappointment.
The socially distanced fireworks display will be a thing of beauty.
Why does it feel so long ago?
Fatality statistics are basically arbitrary.
He goes on to a better place… anywhere, outside, at all.
Who’s got blackout bingo?
I’ll have to push back that standing appointment with the snack cabinet.
How do I unsubscribe from this streaming platform?
His legacy endures.
The reptilian system.
Or with a six foot alligator.
The laughter hides the pain.
If COVID-19 doesn’t make people stay in their houses, there’s always murder hornets.
One conspiracy at a time, please, government.
It all runs together at this point.
Just snap your fingers, and 2020 gets eliminated!
The good old days.
Godspeed, essential workers.
I feel cheated.
*confused pigeon noises*
Open immediately.
The not-so-legendary Loch Down Monster.
All crime is legal in this house.
But instead of finishing they just rolled “murder hornets.”
A even trade.
The year who must not be named.
The end is in sight!
And now for your bonus videos as promised!
It’s like the literal ‘Hunger Games’ out there.
What do I do with my arms?
Can the Holderness family musically narrate all the otherwise mediocre moments of my life?
Thank you for hanging in there through all of our viral virus memes! Drop a comment below to tell us which COVID-19 meme out of all three installments was your most favorite, AND share with us the very first thing you plan to do when lockdown is lifted!
~ Lindsay W. Merkel