Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The "Hands-On" Victorian Terror

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by D_Aeon: When I was a child, I lived in an old Victorian house, and I would always hear laughing while I was trying to sleep. I was an only child with a single mother, and when I was about 5-6, I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night…

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COVID-19, Humor Lindsay Merkel COVID-19, Humor Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine

COVID-19 is everywhere - figuratively and literally. Scary, confusing, and conflicting updates are breaking nearly 24/7, and lack of a definitive end date to multiple crisis measures has the world holding its breath behind certified N95 respirator masks. To bring a little levity to a serious situation, we’re sharing our most favorite funny coronavirus memes! Crack open your stash of self-isolation snacks and enjoy!

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Strange Places Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Strange Places Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: A Park Ranger's Strange Campfire Story

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by ParkRangerChris: On a night in 2006 or 2007 (A guess) i noticed a camp fire in the distance and i went to investigate as setting up camps in this area was not allowed as conservation efforts where in place. I walked over no-one was here and thought what idiots would let a fire unattended. So i went over there were about 2 tents from what i remember and no-one there i radioed in and asked for a couple of guys to come to clean-up. When they arrived i went to look for any sign that people were around….

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Cryptids, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Cryptids, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: I Don't Know What I Encountered in the Australian Woods

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by Enigmacipher17: …I was out driving at around 11:30pm with my girlfriend and as we were in the area decided to show her the woodlands while we were in the area as she loves everything to do with nature and it was summer so an extremely warm night. I left my car with the lights shining into the trees as we weren’t going too far in and it was pitch black inside and the two of us just kind of sat chatting, having a smoke and generally relaxing, she was sitting on a sort of map of the area that had been put in on some plastic and I was keeping an eye on the trees as I had a feeling that something was just wrong

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VIDEO: Tony Joins Host Daniel Ott for Interview on The Edge Broadcast

On February 29, 2020 Tony had the opportunity to join host Daniel Ott, the Cosmic Cowboy, on a live episode of The Edge Broadcast! Tony and Daniel dive into a lengthy conversation about fallen angels, TC episodes, doppelgangers, Biblical theories, personal stories, and so much more! Check out the episode here, or visit The Edge Broadcast website for an audio-only version.

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LISTEN: Hear the EVP Clip From Episode 58: The Unwelcomed Roommate

Episode 58: The Unwelcomed Roommate is one of a few episodes of The Confessionals that seems to have captured an EVP or unexplained noise during the interview recording. Take a listen to the clip of Episode 58’s EVP, which strangely was heard after the guest Dale described his sighting of a demon and then the phone line cut out. After reconnecting with Dale, Tony hears an odd sound that causes him to pause, thinking he had interrupted the guest… but the sound/voice is coming from something else. What do you hear in this EVP clip?

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Written Confession: Over 40 Years of Bigfoot Activity in Michigan

The following written confession and images were submitted via email: My parents bought their property in the thumb of Michigan back in either 1974 or 1975. I was born in 1979. It was very wooded and swampy. Very thick and you couldn’t get back in the woods so my dad started bulldozing trails and opening up the woods. That’s when it all started. The first sighting was with my sister…

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Podcasting, Listen Lindsay Merkel Podcasting, Listen Lindsay Merkel

LISTEN: Tony Joins Big Rig Banter to Talk Truck Driving and Podcasting

While you’re gearing up for Tony’s new podcast Hammer Lane Legends to drop this year, take a listen to Tony’s interview on another trucking podcast, the educational and entertaining Big Rig Banter! Tony joined Big Rig Banter co-host Troy Diffenderfer on Episode #47: The Best Side Hustles for Truck Drivers to share his ongoing journey from truck driver to podcaster. Check it out here!

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Written Confessions, Mystery, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Mystery, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Phantom Truck Crash in Missouri

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: One of the strangest things that ever happened to me was one time when I was first married, probably around 1987 I took my wife's brother and three nephews camping in a cave. It was located on Highway 17 near Waynesville Missouri, near the Gascanade River, that's not to far from Ft. Lenard Wood. This is a huge cave and can be seen from the highway…

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Mystery, Video, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Mystery, Video, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: Odd Orbs Outside Our House!

Videos and images of orbs can be a tough call when it comes to figuring out what exactly they are. Many cases can probably be attributed to backscatter, or an insect scrambling in front of a lens, or even a reflection created by the camera itself. Then there are other orb images that defy the regular explanations and make you take a closer look at the footage to figure out what’s going on! We’ve got one of those videos here - sent to us by our neighbor - so help us come up with an explanation! What could these orbs be?

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Written Confessions, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Disappearing Barn in the Field

The following written confession was submitted via email: I was just listening to your podcast episode 64 on the Disappearing Church, and it reminded me of an experience I had when I was around 12 years of age. I lived in a rural portion of NY near an old Indian Reservation, the town is old and has changed much over the centuries (you would recognize nothing). My friend and I were hiking in the woods and came out onto a field…

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Written Confessions, History, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, History, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Glimpse of a Ghostly Officer at Stokesay Castle

The following written confession was submitted via email: I am English and my wife is American, from Oregon, she has lived in England all our married lives dating back over twenty years. She, like me, has a great love of history and it is normal for us to visit historical buildings and places. In May 2015 we were spending a few days in Stratford-upon-Avon, going to theatre performances in the evening and touring around during the day. On 22nd May we went to Stokesay Castle in Shropshire…

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Paranormal, Mystery, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, Mystery, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 14 Bizarre Photos Reportedly Taken Near Skinwalker Ranch

Possibly one of the most infamous landmarks for paranormal activity in North America is the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah! So called for the skinwalkers of Navajo legend - malevolent entities with the ability to shapeshift into animals and humans - the ranch has been the site of unexplained phenomena for decades. Check out these 14 bizarre photos reportedly taken near Skinwalker Ranch from for to see why Skinwalker Ranch is known as such a hotbed of paranormal activity!

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Bigfoot, History, Listen, Podcasting Lindsay Merkel Bigfoot, History, Listen, Podcasting Lindsay Merkel

LISTEN: Tony Talks The Bigfoot Wars Of 1855 on Tin Foil Hat!

I was at work on a rest break when I got a text from Sam Tripoli that simply said “Have you ever heard of this?” The text was accompanied with a link, and when I opened it I saw a title that read Human-Bigfoot War in Oklahoma… Now you can listen to myself, Sam, and his crew talk about the Bigfoot Wars of 1855, the Kandahar Giant, the incident at Ape Canyon, and more on Tin Foil Hat Presents BIGFOOT WARS. Listen to this special episode here right now, or stream it on your favorite podcast platform!

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Creature Feature Friday: Mongolian Death Worm

Today’s Creature Feature Friday takes a look at a desert legend that has been sighted from 1927 to at least 2013 - the Mongolian Death Worm! Resembling a cow’s intestines, the creepy cryptid can supposedly corrode metal with its acid venom, spends most of its time tunneling underground, and was the inspiration for the movie monster in a '90s cult classic!

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