BLOG: Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2)
Well, it’s been over two weeks since our first batch of COVID-19 memes, and we’re still here… at home… looking at COVID-19 memes.
While we shelter in place, flattening the curve and fattening our pajama pants, the meme world carries on, bringing endless hours of mindless scrolling entertainment! So if you’re still dodging coronavirus germs but catching cabin fever, take a few minutes to LOL at our second round of quarantine-themed memes from the funny folks of the internet, Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2)!
The tale is as old as time, but your toilet paper won’t last nearly that long.
Finally, a conspiracy worth investigating!
It’s a weird time for the internet.
Maybe they should sing a medley about it and inflict it on all the commonfolk of Twitter… Oh, wait…
The unicorns better be on their way.
May the Lord open… all nonessential businesses.
Felt cute, might wash my hands later, IDK.
Memory is what I have instead of a social life.
Actual photograph of an American on the way to Costco.
After weeks of self-isolation and social distancing in the middle of a pandemic, Vincent Van Gogh felt like something in his life was missing.
If your toilet paper sees its shadow, it’s six more weeks of quarantine.
I don’t volunteer, I don’t volunteer!
Can we just skip to the next one?
Hindsight is 2019.
Should I take the scenic route by the bathroom, or a shortcut past the kitchen cabinets?
The Zoom Supper.
At least we’re comfortable..?
He’s especially good at hand sanitizing.
The next generation of greetings.
About 3 days away from cutting the grass with nail scissors…
Why is it always Florida?
I won’t be there for you, because I’m locked inside my house.
Flatten the curve or fight the Man?
As global COVID-19 cases soar, so do 2020 divorce rates.
Even at the end of the world, there will still be mosquitoes.
Now you know. And you’ll never forget.
In case of germs, cancel Constitution.
At least we have something to look forward to!
…Still too soon.
It’s the social event of 2020! No, seriously.
Here… there… somewhere else. Those were the times!
Quarantine literally sucking the soul out of us.
If you missed our first meme drop, check out A Compilation of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine for more coronavirus anecdotes as told through the art of memes!
(Lord willing we won’t still be trapped inside to make a Part 3, but we’ll keep doing the important work of lying on the couch looking at memes anyway, just in case.)
~ Lindsay W. Merkel