Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Read, Mystery, Technology Lindsay Merkel Read, Mystery, Technology Lindsay Merkel

READ: The Search for Vanished Flight MH370 Resumes After a Decade

More than ten years after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished without a trace, the search has resumed in the vast and unforgiving waters of the southern Indian Ocean. Maritime exploration firm Ocean Infinity has taken on the challenge once more, using advanced deep-sea scanning technology in an effort to locate the missing Boeing 777.

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Mystery, History, Crime, Video Lindsay Merkel Mystery, History, Crime, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: DNA Match Solves One of History’s Most Haunting Mysteries— Who Was ‘Jack the Ripper’? [GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING]

For over a century, the true identity of Jack the Ripper has been one of history’s most haunting mysteries. But now, new DNA evidence has finally unmasked him… But why was he never brought to justice? And what led him to spend the rest of his days locked away in an asylum?

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BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 1

They say time is relative. Are space, dimension, and reality relative as well? From suddenly stepping into a time long past, to losing hours of unaccounted time, to changing locations in the blink of an eye and returning to places that no longer exist, these creepy accounts of time slips, lost time, and shifting realities may have you questioning the corporeality of our present existence.

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UFOs, Mystery, Written Confessions Tony Merkel UFOs, Mystery, Written Confessions Tony Merkel

Written Confession: Chrome Sky Sphere Sighted in Ohio

The following written confession was submitted via email: In 1976 I was 14 years old and I started my first summer job […] in Avery Ohio pulling tassels off of corn. This particular field was right in front of NASA Neil Armstrong test [facility]. I was the first person to exit the field and when I did I noticed something just to my right…

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Written Confessions, Creepy, Mystery, Animals Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Creepy, Mystery, Animals Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Chilling Cattle Mutilation Scene in Nebraska (GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING)

The following written confession and images were submitted via email: I just wanted to share with you some pictures of a crazy experience that my dad and I had on our property in the middle of nowhere small town, Nebraska. We were out…looking at some improvement that they made in the ground, and I came across this mutilated bull. There was snow on the ground, and you could see that there were no tracks leading up to it. It looked like it had dropped dead right there or had been dropped there. We were 15 miles from any town and at least 5 miles from a paved road…

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Christmas, Written Confessions, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Christmas, Written Confessions, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Christmas Elf in the Sewer

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …We were in the park as usual, and while we were walking there was a sewer hole from which were coming waves of steam, as it if was a furnace. We were heading towards it and I remember my dad saying: "Look, maybe here is where Santa prepares the gifts for the good children". I laughed a little because around that time I already knew Santa wasn't real. Then, as we passed by the hole I looked through the holes of the covering…

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Christmas, Mystery, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Christmas, Mystery, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Child Spies Creepy Christmas Visitor Through the Keyhole

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: So this happened to me when I was around 10 years old. This little story haunts me to this day and I can still see it all happening in my head…I expected to see a lot of presents lying under the tree, but instead I saw a big shadow, like something big was lying infront of the tree. I stared at it for a little while, when it suddenly begins to move, it was definitely not human…

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Written Confessions, Mystery, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Mystery, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Glowing Orange Orb Floating in the Night Sky

The following written confession was submitted via email: …this encounter happened when I was 15 living in Brentwood a small farm town in the east bay. I was out on a night walk with my older sister who was 17 or 18 at the time. We were walking down a trail near our neighborhood that goes off into a more rural area with a creek…

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Cryptids, Mystery, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Cryptids, Mystery, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Napping Dinosaur in Grass Valley, California

The following written confession was submitted via email: I wanted to share a brief encounter I had when I was about 10 or 12 years old. While on a field trip to a mine about an hour away I think it was called empire mine in grass valley California about 90 percent sure it was that one. So for about maybe 10 minutes or more I decided to look around apart from my group…

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Mystery, Written Confessions, Supernatural Lindsay Merkel Mystery, Written Confessions, Supernatural Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Golden Glowing Figure Across the Abandoned Bridge

The following written confession was submitted via email: ...I was battling my faith and wanted to explore into maybe hoping to get proof of God. Well, we as a group were spread out throughout the country and so we did a cool summon guided mediation over FaceTime. During that eclipse because we could all see it. Well, after mediation I was by a creek and in the woods doing this mediation solo with the group on FaceTime. I took a walk down this game trail and came across an old iron bridge that’s been abandon…

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Mystery, Written Confessions, Strange Places Lindsay Merkel Mystery, Written Confessions, Strange Places Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Materializing Portal Over the Pond

The following written confession was submitted via email: . . . As the tractor sound faded away I started hearing a sound, which is really hard to explain. I guess if I had to explain it it was more like a very very soft hum or buzz, almost like it was in my head rather than real sound, yet I did hear it. I looked around and saw nothing that I could identify making any sound. For whatever reason I felt compelled to follow the sound . . .

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Written Confessions, Mystery, Monsters Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Mystery, Monsters Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Schooner Captain Took a Walk With a Bipedal Deer... And Then It Disappeared

The following written confession was submitted via email: My Great Great Uncle was a Thomas Lipton Schooner Captain . . . Back then Plymouth Sound (UK) which is a natural harbour that can hold fleets of ships and British Navy was basically queued and full so he had to anchor for 24 hours at the River Yealm. And told his crew he would walk back via Connor's Cove through Wembury and see his family 24hrs early….

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