Written Confession: The Napping Dinosaur in Grass Valley, California
The following written confession was submitted via email:
I wanted to share a brief encounter I had when I was about 10 or 12 years old. While on a field trip to a mine about an hour away I think it was called empire mine in grass valley California about 90 percent sure it was that one. So for about maybe 10 minutes or more I decided to look around apart from my group and there were these shed type structures they didn't have a bottom but were raised off the ground n had hay spread out the bottom.
Empire Mine image from Wikimedia Commons.
So I walk up to one stand in the doorway and what do I see a reptilian at the time I had no clue about them so It looked like a baby dinosaur light green in color it was laid out eyes closed about 4 ft long Idk if it was dead or playing dead so I would get close enough to get me, as you can tell I didn't get any closer lol I immediately left and when I came back with a shaperone it was gone. I totally forgot about it up until about 8 to 10 yrs ago I'm 33 now I was 10 or 12 at the time around 2010 is when I got into the conspiracy world which eventually brought me back to that memory. I have looked up on Google and YouTube about strange things happening in that city and there were few things idk if the videos r still up. The mine has been closed for awhile now the deepest they went I believe was 5k ft which is now supposedly under water . Not much of a story or lengthy just wanted to share that with you.