Written Confession: Homemade Ouija Board Summons a Scary Specter
The following written confession + photos were shared via Reddit:
So back in 2013, I lived in Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle. I lived there with my two high school buddies (M & R) from UT and they were getting ready to move back home while I was planning to move into another apartment in the area. R and I had always been into paranormal activities, including exploring houses which were formerly scenes of horrific incidents or doing ouija boards in known haunted areas. M had grown up Mormon, and although he is no longer, "f***ing with the devil" as he called it, was still out of his fun time wheelhouse.
About a week before our move out date, R and I were drinking some shine and had a grand idea to make a home Ouija board, download some ghost hunting apps and find out why the kitchen cabinets would always open themselves when we left the house, and why our pots and pans always found themselves on the kitchen floors while we were watching tv.
After all, we were moving out soon anyways, so why not haunt the damn place up?
We took a piece of poster board and a slightly modified shot glass and read some incantations for "waxing" the home made ouija board up. We have had INSANE, terrifying Ouija experiences in the past but we were unable to get this one to work. My guess is that although modified to slide better, the shot glass was too heavy to move freely on the poster board. I made the mistake of saying, "If there are any spirits around, we call upon you to communicate with us." Still nothing happened.
We resorted to using our ghost hunting apps courtesy of the AppStore-I get it, I think/thought they were total bullshit too. We had one with a radar, and the dots were never constant but when they did occur, there would be a single dot in our kitchen or there would be several dots from the area between my room and our porch. Coincidentally, our floors in the kitchen once creaked while the dot was in there.
We gave up on the radar and went to the EMF scanner. We heard words like pig, apple, pencil- nothing made any sense.
Then, it started to become extra creepy. It said look....... up...... out...... away..... out.....
Well, we started looking around, up and out and nothing happened. We started taking pictures on my phone and weren't able to see anything. Then, R pulled out his phone and switched it to the camera. He had one of the new Androids with the burst shot camera- a new feature for phones at the time.
He pointed at the door and told me to smile for the pictures. I had honestly given up, so while he was taking pictures, I leaned forward to roll a joint. His phone snapped 8 times before he started crying. He looked at me shaking and said, "Dude, I think we got something."
For R to start crying, I knew something was up. He started at picture 1- nothing except me, my Weim, Ringo and the Highwaymen above the fireplace. He got to picture 6 and a faint silhouette appeared in the frame as my body crossed the door from leaning forward. Picture 7 was the most vivid- the one I personally saved and posted here. In picture 8- no dice on the ghost.
We immediately dropped everything, taped some knives together to make a cross and spent the rest of the night saying the Our Father and pouring salt around the edges of our apartment. In the morning, we showed M the picture and he sent it to his mom. She went the extra mile to brighten the photo up and recognize that not only did our visitor have a face and a cross on their chest, but we also had 2 more standing right behind them.
These pictures have not been altered whatsoever other than brightness changes so that you can see everybody (Or lack thereof) in full detail. Feel free to check it for doctoring or any reverse image search. These are personally the scariest photos I've seen on this subject but I have a tough time acknowledging that they actually contain my back (And dog).
Original photo.
Photo with additional brightness added.