Written Confession: Stick Man Scare in Southeast Ohio
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by DiastrousTop3081: …One day my son (age 8 at the time) was riding his scooter up and down the road (something he wasn't allowed to do for safety reasons.) So this country road has woods on both sides, but they aren't particularly dense on either side, and fields and a utility crossing splits the roadside woods from the bigger sections of forest. He suddenly comes running up the hill, white as a ghost, teary-eyed, and says he saw something scary in the woods…
Written Confession: The Dark Spirit That Follows
The following written confession was shared via Thought Catalog: My little brother had a psychotic episode after taking acid and staying up for multiple days. He ended up being admitted to a mental institution for a week or so and it was really traumatic for my mom but I believed he would make it out the other side okay. We went to pick him up, took him home, my mom went to bed but he was still acting very ‘off’…
Written Confession: The Forest Dogman in Eastern France
The following written confession was submitted via Reddit: …If I remember correctly it was the 2nd of May 2022 and as I said I was in the forest near the village of Giron to pick berries. I was alone there was no one around but it was not something strange because it's a very sparsely populated part of France. The thing that felt strange was the fact that I did not see any animals. No deer, no wild boars, no foxes. It was silent…
Written Confession: An Unseen Roommate in an Unoccupied Apartment Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …About 23:00 at night, Lefty texted me, "Yumi are you okay? You sick?" I was so confused. Lefty continued, "I kept hearing someone sneezing and coughing, isn't that you?" I said, "No, I've been quiet this entire time, isn't it you who's be moving around and packing boxes?" Left said, "What? I haven't been packing anything at all today, I've been on my bed playing with my phone the entire time”…
Written Confession: Early Morning McDonald's Run Ends with Demon Encounter
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …As my wife worked until 3am and I was on her sleep schedule so she wouldn't be lonely about 4am we were hungry and decided to grab some food. We ordered and were waiting at the window when we saw this guy walk up. I'm getting the nastiest feeling coming over me. Dread, despair, terror. I wanted to bolt from our car and run for my life. The guy just casually walked to the restaurant and when he passed under the street light I saw this thing floating behind him….
Written Confession: Young Son Scared By Mom's Creepy Doppelgänger
The following writing confession was shared via Reddit: This wasn't so much me, as it was my 8yr old son.... I lived in a 5 bedroom home with my five children … There was a few things in this home, but nothing that was extremely alarming to me. Here and there, I would see things dart in the corner of my eye, hear things walking in the middle of the night.. the stereotypical things you'd have in a "haunted" house. To put a little pertaining perspective on the home, the kitchen was open into the living room…
Written Confession: Recurring Dreams of Abduction by 'the Man with the Soft Face'
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: It first happened when I was 4 years old. I had a very strange dream where I saw a very tall (around 6'5) creature. Its skin was pinkish brown, it had bulging eyes, a red round nose and triangular teeth in its wide mouth. The creature was smiling, and its smile reminds me of what people now call 'the uncanny valley', both sadistic and happy….
Written Confession: The Legs in the Woods Near the Beaghmore Stone Circles
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: In 2017, I was in Northern Ireland for a college field trip. My religious studies class was visiting stone circles throughout N. Ireland and Ireland to focus on religious geography. On this particular day, I think we were visiting the Beaghmore Stone circles. It was a normal cloudy day and we were enjoying learning the history of the bronze age wonder… I decided to climb over the small farm wire fence and see if there was anything interesting in the woods…
Written Confession: The Woman With No Eyes Is Staring At My Baby
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by deep-and-hidden-wv: I used to live in a trailer park in WV off a notorious road known for its haunting encounters. It even has it's own website dedicated to letting the people tell stories of their experiences. But this was before I even knew that the website existed. So this was not long after I had my fourth child….
Written Confession: Mom Watches Tall Pale Person Enter Daughter's Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by _LivGrace_: I dont remember when this was, maybe a year or 2 ago, i went to my kitchen to get some water i was wearing a black hoodie and black joggers when i heard my mom go ,"Liv? Did you see that?" "Uhm, no?" I was confused and didnt know what she was talking about….
Written Confession: Surviving a Car Wreck That Never Happened
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by alexsangthat: So I don’t really know how to explain this or if it even fits on this sub or even what actually happened if I’m being honest, but regardless I will try to relay the story. I was driving to work yesterday morning and I’m coming up a side street that connects to a very busy road in my area. It’s the main road that stretches through like 20 towns. I get to the red light at this main road and sit there for about 15 seconds before seeing a car pull up behind me. As the car comes to a complete stop behind me, my eyes drift from the rearview mirror to the stop light in front of me….
Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…
Written Confession: Lizard Man on the Swampy Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: In July of 2016 some friends (we'll call them Cole, Cody, Nick and Josh) and I were walking home from a party around 3am. We were going to Cole's house since he was house sitting for his grandma. Her house is also haunted but we'll save that for another post. Anyway, we were walking from this party, which was about a half a mile away from Cole's place and the road we had to walk on gets crazy dark at night…
Written Confession: Homemade Ouija Board Summons a Scary Specter
So back in 2013, I lived in Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle. I lived there with my two high school buddies (M & R) from UT and they were getting ready to move back home while I was planning to move into another apartment in the area. R and I had always been into paranormal activities, including exploring houses which were formerly scenes of horrific incidents or doing ouija boards in known haunted areas. M had grown up Mormon, and although he is no longer, "f***ing with the devil" as he called it, was still out of his fun time wheelhouse.
Written Confession: Is Disturbing “Unfinished Man” a Ghost or a Glitch in the Matrix?
The following written confession was originally shared online: This incident occurred in '09 or '10 and at that time I was living in a small house in the oldest neighborhood in our town (all late 1800's/Turn-Of-The-Century type charm). Forgive the wordiness, but I feel it's necessary to include a little detail about my street for frame of reference. My house sat two houses from the corner and directly across the street from a small park. Right across the park from us sat my youngest son's best friend's house. It was a cute little place for a single mother with two boys and I never had any problems there, even though it was one of those neighborhoods where one block is cute as a button and the next can be a slum…