Written Confession: Strange 1920s Apparition Puzzles Family in Kentucky
The following written confession was submitted via email: Early summer 86/87. Me and my brother's were throwing a football around in our front yard. We lived out in the country in Kentucky. Anyway my brother threw the football and I missed it, it rolled under a bush. I crawled under and got it. When I stood up to throw it, my brothers were both staring at the road...
Written Confession: A Creepy Night in the Allegheny National Forest
The following written confession was submitted via email: Two years ago in fall of 2022, I went backpacking in the Allegheny National Forest with a couple of buddies of mine... all of us being lifetime outdoor enthusiasts, all of us with some degree of military experience, and two of us with law enforcement experience ... I say that because I would like to think at least that we were three pretty tough guys with lots of wood experience and shouldn't get easily shaken…
Written Confession: The Money-Counting Apparition in Australia
The following written confession was submitted via email: I went on holiday to Kangaroo Island in South Australia with my partner at the time. We stayed at the Pennashaw hotel/motel on the last night before leaving..I was watching a program on the Barney and Betty Hill abduction that night and went to sleep about 11:00….
VIDEO: Is This Mysterious Farm Visitor a Ghost Child, Misidentification, or Digital Manipulation?
A bizarre video from a farm in Chalatenango, El Salvador, captured in late March, shows a ghostly figure strolling past a farm animal before vanishing. The footage, which went viral on social media in Latin America, depicts a small, eerie figure appearing out of nowhere, walking in front of a resting animal, and then disappearing without a trace.
Written Confession: The Neighbor in the Hallway
The following written confession was submitted via email: I saw the woman who used to live in the flat below standing in my hallway when I was around 4 or 5. She used to come up to our flat to escape her abusive husband (he also used to terrorise my mother years after this he had a knife to her throat in front of me one time)…
Written Confession: An Unseen Roommate in an Unoccupied Apartment Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …About 23:00 at night, Lefty texted me, "Yumi are you okay? You sick?" I was so confused. Lefty continued, "I kept hearing someone sneezing and coughing, isn't that you?" I said, "No, I've been quiet this entire time, isn't it you who's be moving around and packing boxes?" Left said, "What? I haven't been packing anything at all today, I've been on my bed playing with my phone the entire time”…
Written Confession: A Fleeting Encounter At a Haunted High School
The following written confession was submitted via email: Working at a haunted high school… This place has checked all the boxes for a haunted place. So this is one time I was actually scared out of the building. #1 I just got done sweeping a hallway and was crouched down sweeping stuff into a dustpan I saw movement out of the corner of my eye…
Written Confession: Middle of the Night Visit From Mommy Deadest
The following written confession was originally shared online: In 2003, my mom woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She walked into the hallway and looked toward the living room. There on the couch was her mother, who had died in 1985, staring straight ahead….
Written Confession: The Woman With No Eyes Is Staring At My Baby
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by deep-and-hidden-wv: I used to live in a trailer park in WV off a notorious road known for its haunting encounters. It even has it's own website dedicated to letting the people tell stories of their experiences. But this was before I even knew that the website existed. So this was not long after I had my fourth child….
Written Confession: Mom Watches Tall Pale Person Enter Daughter's Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by _LivGrace_: I dont remember when this was, maybe a year or 2 ago, i went to my kitchen to get some water i was wearing a black hoodie and black joggers when i heard my mom go ,"Liv? Did you see that?" "Uhm, no?" I was confused and didnt know what she was talking about….
Written Confession: A Premonitory Apparition Saves a Life
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: My grandmother swore by this story till her dying day. It was during the war in London, and my dad was a baby. She was bombed out of her house and was staying with a friend….
Creature Feature Friday: The Tulip Staircase Ghost
Perhaps one of the most inexplicable ghost photographs that has not yet been debunked, the Tulip Stair Ghost is the focus of our Creature Feature Friday! While vacationing in 1966, the Reverend Ralph Hardy took the now-famous photo of the Tulip Staircase Ghost in the Queen's House in Greenwich, England. Hardy developed his pictures back at home and realized that, in taking a photo of the Tulip Staircase, he had captured a ghostly apparition as well!
Written Confession: The "Hands-On" Victorian Terror
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by D_Aeon: When I was a child, I lived in an old Victorian house, and I would always hear laughing while I was trying to sleep. I was an only child with a single mother, and when I was about 5-6, I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night…
Written Confession: A Park Ranger's Strange Campfire Story
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by ParkRangerChris: On a night in 2006 or 2007 (A guess) i noticed a camp fire in the distance and i went to investigate as setting up camps in this area was not allowed as conservation efforts where in place. I walked over no-one was here and thought what idiots would let a fire unattended. So i went over there were about 2 tents from what i remember and no-one there i radioed in and asked for a couple of guys to come to clean-up. When they arrived i went to look for any sign that people were around….
Written Confession: Camera Catches a Shadow Person at an Abandoned Prison
The following written confession, photo, and video were submitted via email: “…They stopped the listening and she went right away towards the noises they heard and checks the area with her flashlight, while panning the light right and left you can see a black shadow form of a person walking up a staircase and go into a door…”