READ: New Study Unveils States with the Highest & Lowest Paranormal Searches
When it comes to ghost hunting and all things paranormal, not all searches are generated equal! According to a new study, these states rank the highest and lowest in searches for the paranormal…
BLOG: 10 Haunted Places in the U.S. Where Ghost Hunters Can Spend the Night
Dust off your EMF meters and break out your EVP recorders - September 28 is National Ghost Hunting Day! Established in 2016, National Ghost Hunting Day recognizes the growing popularity of paranormal investigating across the globe. Since ghost hunting is best done after dark, we’ve put together a short list of some haunted places in America where investigators can search for spirits all night long. If you ain’t afraid of no ghost, test your paranormal investigator mettle at these 10 haunted places in the U.S. where ghost hunters can spend the night!
Written Confession: Homemade Ouija Board Summons a Scary Specter
So back in 2013, I lived in Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle. I lived there with my two high school buddies (M & R) from UT and they were getting ready to move back home while I was planning to move into another apartment in the area. R and I had always been into paranormal activities, including exploring houses which were formerly scenes of horrific incidents or doing ouija boards in known haunted areas. M had grown up Mormon, and although he is no longer, "f***ing with the devil" as he called it, was still out of his fun time wheelhouse.