Written Confession: The Pied Piper of Long Island - A Strange Encounter at the Park
The following written confession was submitted via email: I don’t know why I’m writing to you. Maybe it’s just the uneasy feeling that I’ve been left with. So here it is . . . My wife and I decided it was a perfect day to take our 3 year old to the park. The park was filled with kids and parents. We were there for just over an hour when a little girl with the palest skin and blonde hair just appeared from nowhere with no parents, holding the creepiest doll . . .
Written Confession: The Dark Spirit That Follows
The following written confession was shared via Thought Catalog: My little brother had a psychotic episode after taking acid and staying up for multiple days. He ended up being admitted to a mental institution for a week or so and it was really traumatic for my mom but I believed he would make it out the other side okay. We went to pick him up, took him home, my mom went to bed but he was still acting very ‘off’…
BLOG: 16 MORE Scary Things People Experienced in the Woods
The woods are spooky, dark, and deep, so keep a wary eye out for the creepy, unexpected things you may perchance to stumble across during your explorations! Will you encounter a terrifying monster? Step into a forgotten graveyard? Uncover a bone altar? The weird possibilities are pretty endless in the vast wilderness, and you never know just what you may find (…or what may find you). Check out 16 MORE Scary Things People Experienced in the Woods and tread carefully.
Written Confession: Strange Woman in White Standing in the Rainforest
The following written confession was submitted via Reddit/r/BackwoodsCreepy: Ex boyfriend and I did a rainforest walk which drops deep down to the bottom of the forest. No other cars in the car park and didn’t come across any other hikers. We had it all to ourselves and had a great time for the most of it. As we were walking up my ex was ahead of me and suddenly stopped, raising his hand to signal for me to stop with him…
Written Confession: Who Keeps Calling My Name?
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by WolfChrist469: When we first moved into the house I grew up in, I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house. Like...I would be in my room playing with Legos or something, and I would hear my dad call my name from his room. So I'd go to my parents' bedroom and ask them what they wanted, and they'd always tell me that they never called my name….
Creature Feature Friday: The Moving Mystery Mannequins of the John Lawson House
From the early 2000s to later 2016, the moving mystyery mannequins of the John Lawson House were the talk of the town - because no one knew where they came from, what they were doing, or how they seemed to move of their own accord every night. It’s been over a decade since the life-size dolls first appeared, and the riddle of the moving mannequins is still unsolved! Check out 5 things we know about these creepy artificial creatures and try to answer all the questions that remain.
BLOG: Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 Photo Album!
On July 20th & 21st, The Confessionals Podcast attended Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 in Spring, City, Pennsylvania! During what became the hottest weekend of the year in PA (so far), paranormal enthusiasts, vendors, and special guests gathered at the legendary haunted hospital complex of Pennhurst Asylum for historical tours, investigations, lectures, and much more! Check out over 60 photos of our weekend at Pennhurst ParaCon 2019.
Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…
Written Confession: The Broken-Necked Deerman
The following written confession was originally shared online: We had a house fire and had to move in with my grandmother for a time while the insurance was sorted and our new house was built. Luckily, the land my grandmother owns had an old farm house near her own home that she mostly used for storage. It had water and electricity, so we were good to go…
BLOG: Scary Pictures of Shadow People Caught on Camera
Did you really see that? Out of the corner of your eye - something quick, something dark. It kind of looked like… well, like a person. But when you turn your head, you see… nothing. Was it just your imagination? Now you second-guess yourself, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you. After all, there’s nobody there. It’s only shadows… right?
VIDEO: Rake Creatures Caught on Camera
Bonus Episode 127: The Rake features an interview with Guy, who describes a rare, chance sighting of two creepy rake creatures near Dallas, Texas. (You can also watch the interview on video by clicking here.) If you aren’t familiar with what a RAKE purportedly is - or if you feel the need to be terrified today - check out the video below to watch a compilation of alleged rakes caught on camera!
BLOG: 16 Scary Things People Experienced in the Woods
Just what is it about woods and forests that makes them so beautiful and so eerie at the same time? When most people take a scenic hike through the woods, they don’t typically expect to come face to face with a shapeshifting, teleporting old witch in a cloak. But that’s exactly what our guest on Episode 125: The Shapeshifting Witch encountered while hiking around the isolated area of Dismal Falls in Transylvania County, North Carolina.
Written Confession: Homemade Ouija Board Summons a Scary Specter
So back in 2013, I lived in Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle. I lived there with my two high school buddies (M & R) from UT and they were getting ready to move back home while I was planning to move into another apartment in the area. R and I had always been into paranormal activities, including exploring houses which were formerly scenes of horrific incidents or doing ouija boards in known haunted areas. M had grown up Mormon, and although he is no longer, "f***ing with the devil" as he called it, was still out of his fun time wheelhouse.
Written Confession: Is Disturbing “Unfinished Man” a Ghost or a Glitch in the Matrix?
The following written confession was originally shared online: This incident occurred in '09 or '10 and at that time I was living in a small house in the oldest neighborhood in our town (all late 1800's/Turn-Of-The-Century type charm). Forgive the wordiness, but I feel it's necessary to include a little detail about my street for frame of reference. My house sat two houses from the corner and directly across the street from a small park. Right across the park from us sat my youngest son's best friend's house. It was a cute little place for a single mother with two boys and I never had any problems there, even though it was one of those neighborhoods where one block is cute as a button and the next can be a slum…
Written Confession: Still Looking for Answers About “The White Thing”
The following written confession was originally shared online: So I've read nearly every post on here and have yet to find anything that sounds exactly like what my friends and I used to call the white thing. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and a big group of us used to hang out at my friends parents house. His dad was a doctor so they had this huge house deep in the woods so we would spend basically every day and night here….