VIDEO: Odd Orbs Outside Our House!

Videos and images of orbs can be a tough call when it comes to figuring out what exactly they are. Many cases can probably be attributed to backscatter (dust and particulates reflecting off a camera flash), or an insect scrambling in front of a lens, or even a reflection created by the camera itself. Then there are other orb images that defy the regular explanations and make you take a closer look - or two or three - at the footage to figure out what’s really going on. We’ve got one of those videos below, so help us come up with an explanation!

Our neighbor sent us this short clip that he captured on his Ring camera around 3:20am on February 12, 2020. The garage door cam faces our house, and seems to show little balls of light popping out of his driveway and flying away, leaving little trails behind them. The temperature was about 35 degrees, and the weather was clear. So what could these be? Take a look at the video and drop us your thoughts and theories in the comments!

Check out another video of similar-looking orbs sent to us by a listener in Written Confession: Strange Activity and Orbs in the Bedroom.


Written Confession: Phantom Truck Crash in Missouri


Written Confession: The Disappearing Barn in the Field