READ: First Official Loch Ness Monster Sighting of 2024 is Recorded
Brace yourselves: the first official Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2024 has finally been recorded — and it’s just as blurry as you’d expect it to be!
READ: Beyond Myth - The Intriguing Belief in Cryptids Among Us
In a world where the bizarre and the unexplained capture our imaginations, it's no surprise that cryptids, the elusive creatures that straddle the line between myth and reality, have a special place in our hearts—and, as it turns out, our beliefs. A fascinating study published in the International Journal of Communication dives into this phenomenon, revealing just how many of us believe that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster are really out there.
BLOG: Even MORE of the Funniest COVID-19 Memes to Pass Your Time in Quarantine (COVID-19 Memes Part 2)
Well, it’s been over two weeks since our first batch of COVID-19 memes, and we’re still here… at home… looking at COVID-19 memes. If you’re still dodging coronavirus germs but catching cabin fever, take a few minutes to LOL at our second round of quarantine-themed memes from the funny folks of the internet.