VIDEO: Noah Jacob Tv Explores Andrew Dawson’s Giant Sighting in British Columbia
Noah Jacob Tv dives in to the mysterious, unsettling story of Andrew Dawson and his mountain giant sighting, with a nod to Tony Merkel and our blog about the same event, TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later.
READ: Deliverance Minister Posits Theory That UFOs Are Merkabah Chariots & Bigfoot Are Nephilim Offspring
In an intriguing plot twist on the origins of mysterious creatures such as Bigfoot, the Reverend Bill Bean — a seasoned exorcist and deliverance minister — proposes a theory linking these enigmatic beings to extraterrestrial activity. The Irish Star sheds light on Bean's compelling insights, drawn from his extensive encounters with the supernatural realm…
BLOG: A Giant Came Out of a Door in the Mountain - Is the Oregon Giant Story True?
Whether or not real giants of biblical proportions are still roaming the modern world has always been a fascinating subject to us — but the questions are many, and the answers are as elusive as the giants themselves. So — since the Smithsonian won’t return our calls — we’re left to ponder snippets of stories from the far reaches of the internet and chase down recorded eyewitness sightings before they disappear (…the recordings and the eyewitnesses).
VIDEO: The Why Files Digs In To What Happened to Andrew Dawson and The Confessionals Podcast Gets a Mention
The mystery surrounding what really happened to Andrew Dawson, the TikToker who alleged filmed a giant in British Columbia, has only grown since his tragic death in 2022. The Why Files takes a closer examination of Andrew’s videos, his strange story, and what may have befallen him after his giant sighting - plus gives a mention to The Confessionals Podcast and our own feature on Andrew, TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later.
BLOG: TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later
If you are fascinated by the subject of giants (like we are) or you’ve spent any length of time on TikTok, there’s a good chance you’ve seen an intriguing video posted by Andrew Dawson earlier this year. In it, Andrew spots what appears to be a huge human standing on a mountain peak miles away. The giant video earned him viral status, but it also may have earned him some unwanted attention. The following series of events begins unexpectedly, and ends both mysteriously and tragically. Along the way, we had our own interaction with Andrew that only seems to deepen the mystery.
BLOG: Here's a List of Every Episode Featured in The Confessionals Intro!
We get quite a stack of emails in The Confessionals’ inbox, and one of the questions we’re asked most frequently is, “What episodes are featured in your show’s intro?!” From the episode with the giant in the cave, to the guy who slithered over the floor, to the long bony fingers curling under the door, listeners are intrigued by the episode excerpts featured in the show’s opening montage! So after many inquiries, it finally occurred to us to bring those intriguing episodes to you all in one place!
BLOG: THE CONFESSIONALS EXCLUSIVE - Are Old Legend Giants Living in the Modern Day World?
Throughout historical lore and legend, there is one fearsome figure who looms large, in a very literal sense, in stories told by numerous cultures and peoples around the world: the Giant.