READ: Pentagon Investigates Whistleblower’s Claim of Recovering “Egg-Shaped” UFO
The U.S. government is once again at the center of a UFO mystery as the Pentagon launches an official investigation into the claims of former military contractor Jake Barber. The whistleblower, a former helicopter pilot, alleges that he participated in secret recovery missions involving unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), including the retrieval of a bizarre, engine-less “egg-shaped” craft.
READ: Mysterious Lights Above Capitol Hill Spark Debate Over UFOs or Lens Flares
A series of mysterious lights appearing above the US Capitol building this week has captured widespread attention, fueling debates ranging from UFO theories to natural explanations. While some claim the lights are evidence of extraterrestrial activity, skeptics have pointed to more mundane causes. The sighting comes at a time of heightened interest in UFOs, following recent congressional hearings on alleged government involvement with alien technology and whistleblower intimidation.
READ: Declassified CIA Remote Viewing Experiment Reveals Pyramids and Lost Civilization on Ancient Mars
Between 1977 and 1995, the CIA wasn’t just busy with Cold War espionage—it was dabbling in psychic phenomena, too. Enter Project Stargate, a top-secret program exploring the mysterious world of remote viewing, the ability to “see” distant locations and events using nothing but the power of the mind. The goal? To uncover military and intelligence secrets—and maybe a few cosmic ones, too.
READ: Congressional Hearing Explores UAP Claims Amid Ongoing Controversy
A recent congressional hearing delved into unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), the modern term for UFOs, uncovering extraordinary claims but lacking direct evidence to support them. The hearing, centered on whistleblower testimonies, reignited discussions about government secrecy surrounding UAPs.
READ: House Committee To Hold Hearing on UAPs on November 13th
A significant hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) is set for November 13, led by Republicans on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The event will be co-chaired by Cyber Subcommittee Chairwoman Nancy Mace (R-SC) and National Security Subcommittee Chairman Glenn Grothman (R-WI), as reported by DefenseScoop.
READ: U.S. Police Introduce New UAP Handbook, Citing 'Significant Safety Risks' from Unidentified Craft
Police across the United States have released their first official guide on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the term now used for what were previously known as UFOs. The 11-page document is designed to help officers navigate encounters with UAPs and outlines how such incidents should be reported. It also warns of the potential safety risks UAPs pose, especially to law enforcement air support units such as helicopters.
Written Confession: Clones on a Bus
The following written confession was submitted via email: I had an experience a few years ago that I still can't get over. First, let me tell you I am an 20+year attorney and was a former law enforcement officer. Anyway, 4 years ago in December I was driving to my house in Maine after a long work day and got to the Palmyra Maine area around 2:30 AM. In the left lane there was a grey bus, I immediately thought it was a Navy bus and saw it had a GOV plate….
VIDEO: The Why Files Digs In To What Happened to Andrew Dawson and The Confessionals Podcast Gets a Mention
The mystery surrounding what really happened to Andrew Dawson, the TikToker who alleged filmed a giant in British Columbia, has only grown since his tragic death in 2022. The Why Files takes a closer examination of Andrew’s videos, his strange story, and what may have befallen him after his giant sighting - plus gives a mention to The Confessionals Podcast and our own feature on Andrew, TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later.
BLOG: Whistleblowing Episodes of The Confessionals to Listen to on National Whistleblower Day
July 30th marks National Whistleblower Day - a day created to commemorate America’s first whistleblower law, which was enacted to protect citizens who would step forward to report corruption when they saw it. To acknowledge those who have risked whistleblowing in the face of corruption and illicit activity, we have compiled all the “whistleblower” episodes of The Confessionals. Tune in to these episodes to listen, learn, and appreciate their stories.
VIDEO: UFO Cover-up Hoax... But the UFOs Are Very Real!
In this video, we revisit the pyramid-shaped UFO that was filmed by at least THREE different people, hovering and rotating over the Pentagon, in December 2018. We’ll show you a new video leak of the event, and also interview one of the people who filmed the UFO sighting firsthand!