Best Paranormal Podcast Episodes


Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

178: Bigfoot Outside The House

On Episode 178: Bigfoot Outside the House, we have two guests joining the show! First, we speak with Jason, a former police officer who has always been fascinated with bigfoot and eventually became an investigator. Though he never really felt that he would ever see a bigfoot, that all changed when he walked right up on one! After we talk to Jason, we bring on Gerry, a teacher who has traveled all over the world, but when he moved to Southern Georgia he learned that locals were seeing things in the woods. Gerry has collected many accounts of other people’s bigfoot sightings and he will be sharing some of them on today's show!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

177: Black Eyed Kids and The Reaper (Members)

In Episode 177: Black Eyed Kids and The Reaper, we have two guests joining the show! First, Mary shares her experiences with black-eyed kids and the Grim Reaper! Following Mary’s interview, we are joined by Kevin, who talks about two places where he lived north of Allentown, Pennsylvania that both had paranormal activity attached to them.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

176: Red Eyed Demon Dogs

On Episode 176: Red Eyed Demons Dogs, we have Maria, a military veteran, on the show to talk about her lifelong trials with the paranormal side of life. Her experiences seemed almost inevitable since birth, when she was born into a lineage of witches that set the course of her life. She has many experiences to share, but one in particular that stands out from the rest is the night Maria witnessed a pack of red eyed demon dogs roaming her military base!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

175: It Dragged Me Down The Hall

On Episode 175: It Dragged Me Down the Hall, we bring you a Halloween special! On this scary episode, we talk with Melissa who has lived through some of the most frightening experiences I have ever heard. It seems she has some kind of evil entity attached to her - for nearly her entire life - and the thing has tortured her continuously. From covering her mouth so she can't scream, to lifting the bed off the ground and dragging her down the hallway repeatedly, this is a type of evil that will make your skin crawl! And perhaps the worst part about it is her son is now starting to say things that lead Melissa to believe he is the evil thing’s next target.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

174: Surrounded By Sasquatch (Members)

On Episode 174: Surrounded By Sasquatch, guest Michael joins The Confessionals. Michael seems to be the kind of person with the ability to make others feel comfortable to open up to him, no matter how strange what they have to say might be! For Episode 174, Michael shares some bigfoot experiences that have been told to him by various people!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

173: The Faceless Sasquatch

In Episode 173: The Faceless Sasquatch, we speak with guest Mo who had an encounter with a sasquatch in Pennsylvania. As he recounts his story, it becomes very apparent that Mo's experience is even rarer than most, when he realized that this monster he was looking at did not have a face!

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Tony Merkel Tony Merkel

172: The Little Girl With No Eyes (Members)

On Episode 172, we have Lisa joining The Confessionals to tell us about her experiences living in a brand new house that was somehow already haunted! She relates not only what happened in her family’s new haunted house, but also what other strange things seemed to be going on throughout the neighborhood. In addition to her paranormal accounts, Lisa discusses her special ability to see things that happened in the past and what will happen in the future!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

171: The Demon Dog (Members)

For Episode 171: The Demon Dog, Paul joins us on The Confessionals to share his several paranormal experiences, including a possible bigfoot encounter. But nothing he faced was scarier than the time he and a friend were followed home by what can be described as a “demon dog” that seemed to want only one thing - them.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

170: Bigfoot In Rural Pennsylvania

On Episode 170: Bigfoot in Rural Pennsylvania, guest Jeff joins The Confessionals Podcast to share his bigfoot encounter that happened in my home state of Pennsylvania! The experience pushed Jeff into a new reality that he never sought out or wanted. Jeff eventually told some of his family about his bigfoot encounter, but his son never completely believed him - until one day when, not far from the Philadelphia area, his son had a sighting of his own!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

169: The Stargazers Abduction (Members)

For Episode 169: The Stargazers Abduction, we speak with Ben about a UFO sighting that became a launching pad for a sequence of abductions in his life. When we begin the interview, Ben shares with us that he had a UFO sighting along with a childhood friend as they were stargazing one night, and afterward, he began experiencing horrible nightmares. However, as the interview continues, it becomes pretty apparent that his nightmares were not bad dreams at all, but were more than likely memories of alien visitations and abductions.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

168: What Is The Paranormal? with Brad C. Hodson

On Episode 168 of The Confessionals, we have the opportunity to sit down and speak with horror author Brad C. Hodson! Brad joins us to share some of the paranormal experiences that have occurred throughout his life. During the course of the episode, Brad and Tony engage in an entertaining conversation about what “the paranormal” really is, and how so many people who experience the so-called paranormal will comprehend and convey their experiences differently, depending on their individual views and perceptions. 

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

166: The Demonic Intrusion

On Episode 166: The Demonic Intrusion, Chris joins The Confessionals to share two extremely evil experiences he has gone through. First, Chris tells us of a time when he was 19 years old and decided he wanted to get his own place to live. He would soon learn that decision would come back to haunt him, literally - his apartment was plagued with demonic activity and he shares it all with us! He later talks us through a scary experience involving an exorcism he had to perform on his own first wife, something he realized was even more terrifying than the demons in his apartment!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

165: I See Dead People (Members)

For Episode 165: I See Dead People, we have Myrina joining us to share her experiences of her unique ability to see dead people. It started as a child when she saw her great grandfather at school, and from that point on it launched into some strange encounters that make you feel like you are watching the movie, "The Sixth Sense."

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

164: The Bensalem Abduction

On Episode 164: The Bensalem Abduction, Amy joins The Confessionals to tell us about her experience seeing a huge UFO over Bensalem, PA. The problem is, Amy only has parts of her memory from this event, and they seem to come back to her in pieces over the years. Since witnessing the UFO, Amy has had strange things happen to her - like the time someone came in to her room and took a video of her while she was sleeping, and also how something in her body began setting off store security alarms! Listen as Amy tries to piece together her story with us on this week's episode!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

163: I Killed Bigfoot Part Two (Members)

For Member Episode 163: I Killed Bigfoot Part Two, we bring back a fan favorite! Brian joined the show all the way back in Episode 31 when he shared how he killed a bigfoot - “I raised that shotgun and I blowed its head off!” - and what happened to him after the event. One hundred and thirty-two episodes later, he comes back to talk about that day and the sightings he’s had since then! Brian also shares with us how he plans to gain more evidence of these bigfoot creatures on his property to hopefully, finally, put the final nail into the coffin of proof.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

162: Assaulted By Incubus

On Episode 162: Assaulted by Incubus, we have Michael and Jessica joining us! They are engaged to be married and have experienced many things together that seem to be extremely horrific. It all circles around Michael and his lifelong haunting, including how he has been followed and assaulted by an incubus. Jessica never had anything paranormal happen to her until she met her beloved Michael and now it’s never-ending.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

161: Lights Out Lost Time (Members)

For Episode 161: Lights Out Lost Time, we bring on Brian, who has experienced several paranormal-type events. He shares with us about a day that he and a friend lost nearly six hours of time; when they came back to consciousness, it was completely dark outside, but they were in the same spot as if they never moved the entire time! Brian also discusses some “Mandela Effect” kind of events which happened to him that only add to his life of oddities.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

160: I Think I Was Abducted

On Episode 160: I Think I Was Abducted, we have Sara joining us, whose great grandfather was actually a friend of the infamous abductee, Travis Walton. Knowing Travis and his story influenced Sara’s great grandfather to have a belief in aliens that also seems to have affected the people in his family, like Sara. Upon seeing UFOs, Sara had experiences that could lead one to suppose that she herself may have also been abducted.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

159: It Grabbed My Arm (Members)

For Episode 159 we are joined by Rosendo, who shares with us how one paranormal experience can kickstart a series of paranormal events throughout someone’s life. He tells us of how he witnessed a ball of light at his apartment,  followed by his recollection of more experiences that actually affected him in a physical way. 

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