Best Paranormal Podcast Episodes


Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

158: The Green Light Alien

On Episode 158: The Green Light Alien, we have John joining The Confessionals to share his strange and various experiences with us. He specifically shares an encounter with an alien he had as a kid that was later confirmed by someone else who had the same experience!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

157: They Climbed Up My Bed (Members)

For Episode 157, we have guest Dustin coming on The Confessionals to share some truly terrifying experiences. When he was only three years old, Dustin began seeing both malevolent and benevolent entities around him, something that would continue constantly throughout his life. On one particular occasion as a child, he shares how he heard his closet door open, followed by footsteps walking up to and around his bed. His encounter became even more frightening when the footsteps started climbing up the bed...! 

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

156: Extreme Danger Extreme Hypnosis

On Episode 156, we are joined by the creators of the documentary, "Extreme Danger Extreme Hypnosis." Richard and Jonathon dive deep into the underlying story of what shapes the world around us. Our discussion covers many ideas that will  get you thinking about what truth truly is - and about who has been lying to you since the day you were born!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

155: The Crawling Night Hag (Members)

In Member Episode 155: The Crawling Night Hag, we are going to have two guests! First, we have Roman, whom it appears used to have a weird, demonic clone of his younger brother in his home at one time. He later shares how his mother would also see a crawling night hag in the house Following Roman’s story, we have James join The Confessionals to share his lifelong mixed bag of paranormal experiences!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

154: Abductions Stopped By Jesus

On Episode 154: Abductions Stopped by Jesus, we sit down with MUFON Investigator Joe Jordan. Joe started out as a typical investigator, looking into people's reports of unidentified flying objects. But then, Joe began to come across cases of people being abducted by an unknown force. What is even more unusual is that he has collected well over 100 cases of these abductions that were stopped abruptly when the abductee claimed the name of Jesus Christ in the process of being abducted.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

153: The Bigfoot Den (Members)

On Members Episode 153: The Bigfoot Den, we have Wade and Candy joining The Confessionals to share their many experiences together. First they share about a time when they were stationed in Hawaii and had some of the worst hauntings of their lives - including an instance when Wade almost shot at a shadow figure in his home! We also talk about a chilling bigfoot den Wade came across, and more creepy experiences!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

152: The Gargoyle

On Episode 152: The Gargoyle, Jeff joins us to talk about an entity he saw one night with his high school friends while they were driving through the woods. At first, he thought it was a demon but he quickly realized this frightening thing was more of a physical creature than a spiritual one. This event became a catalyst in his life for many more experiences to come! Enjoy tonight’s show, because the gargoyles are coming!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

151: The Headless Angels (Members)

On Members Episode 151: The Headless Angels, we talk with Doug about how, throughout his whole life, he has been haunted by something that seems to want to keep him separated from who he is truly meant to be. It all started with visitations of headless angels when he was a child and progressed into his adult life. Whatever is happening to and around Doug really has a hold on his family, and has even manipulated relationships into something that can only be described as toxic!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

150: The Assassin's Son

On Episode 150: The Assassin’s Son, we have guest Allen on the show to share a very extraordinary UFO experience he had with his father and grandfather. The craft they witnessed shone a bright light down on their house, and at the same time seemed to suppress all sounds outside the circle of light! He also shares some paranormal experiences. But before everything, Allen first talks about his dad’s unique set of skills... as a hired assassin! The common denominator in everything Allen shares is that each of his stories involve his father, in one way or another.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

149: It Picked Me Up Off My Bike (Members)

For Episode 149: It Picked Me Up Off My Bike, we bring on Rachel to share her paranormal experiences that seem to just follow her around everywhere. She shares a particular story from her childhood where she was riding her bike down the road in the middle of the day and felt something grab her under the arms, pick her up and throw her off the bike. She lost about 8 hours of time that she still can’t explain, and has the scars to prove it!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

148: It Dragged My Puppy Away

After the extended introduction, we bring on Kimberly who shares with us about her haunting experiences in a few apartments, while also living in the midst of some really bad life circumstances. Some of the things she describes sound terrifying to have to gone through, but she came out seemingly upbeat about life.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

147: The Asylum (Members)

Members Episode 147: The Asylum is a two-part show! First, Bruno shares his emotional story of demonic attachments in his life, which, thankfully, seem to be behind him now. Next we bring on Deante and he talks with us about a time in high school when he and his friends snuck into a haunted asylum. He has some chilling stories for us, so let's get to it!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

146: A Touch of Mystery

On Episode 146: A Touch of Mystery, we have Kevin joining The Confessionals to share the miraculous things that have happened to both himself and the people in his family. He also discusses his run-ins with shadow people and what seems to be an entity that is frequently encountered by many other guests on our show!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

145: Riverside Rides With Bigfoot (Members)

A new Members episode is out now! In Episode 145: Riverside Rides with Bigfoot, Jake joins The Confessionals to talk about his multiple strange experiences. As a kid living in Pennsylvania, he had a brief encounter with a bigfoot, and a later UFO sighting out in California. Jake has had many diverse experiences his whole life and we dig into them all today!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

144: The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases)

On Episode 144: The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), guest Cari joins The Confessionals to tell an extraordinary story of what happens when you purchase a private property in the middle of a national forest! She shares with us how she found out she was living on top of a DUMB (deep underground military base) and the bizarre things that happened as a result! She talks about her husband being almost killed, and seeing upright walking dogs, white gorillas (bigfoot), BEKs (black eyed kids) portals, and more! Oh, and our phones MIGHT have been tapped during this recording... Don’t miss this episode!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

143: Storm Area 51

Today we bring you a mini bonus episode on a topic that has the entire worlds attention! "Storm Area 51" is a Facebook event page that was started a couple weeks ago by a man named Matty that thought it would be a great idea after watching a Joe Rogan interview with Bob Lazar. The even now has 1.3 million people committed to going and another 1.8 million people interested in attending this potentially historic event! Matty joins The Confessionals for an exclusive interview on the motivations behind his page, what he thinks Area 51 is all about and what his expectations are for September 20, 2019 when possibly 1.3 million people show up to storm area 51.

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

142: Mandalay Bay - The Inside Story (Members)

In today's Member episode, 142: Mandalay Bay The Inside Story, I am releasing an interview I recorded years ago, but never shared with the public. Many people heard the eyewitness accounts of what happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, which was discussed on The Confessionals in Episodes 38, 55, and 62. But, no one has ever heard the interview I did at 3:30am with Alika talking about how these interviews with the eyewitnesses came together for the podcast! We talk about what happened in Vegas, what we (at the time) thought really happened, and how the mainstream media went about covering the story. We really get into it on this episode for you!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

141: The Summoner

On Episode 141: The Summoner, we have Eric joining The Confessionals to talk us through how he stumbled upon the ability to summon UFOs! He also shares some very concerning paranormal experiences that are embedded into his memory. It’s a great conversation to listen to, so sit back, relax and push ‘play’!

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Episodes, Members Tony Merkel Episodes, Members Tony Merkel

140: The Ring (Members)

On the very first Members episode, 140: The Ring, we talk to Heather and her husband Joe about a ring she inherited that seems to have come with a lot of baggage! This a haunting story of a family who has been tormented by a force that is out of their control.

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Tony Merkel Tony Merkel

139: The Haunted Abandoned House

One todays show we are joined by Joe to talk about many paranormal experiences he's had throughout his life. It all starts off with him and his friends finding an abandon house that was haunted and what happens when they decide to explore it.

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