559: The GATE Program (Members)
In Episode 559: The GATE Program we welcome Elle, who reached out to us to share her mystifying experiences within the GATE program. Initially, I must admit, I didn't know what the GATE program was. Upon researching, I discovered that the GATE program is a special initiative for exceptionally gifted children. However, what caught my attention was the uncanny parallel experiences reported by individuals involved in this program worldwide. Many believe that there's more to it than meets the eye, speculating a potential connection to the infamous MK Ultra Program—a sort of covert vetting system. Last week, we had the privilege of hosting Walter Bosley, who himself was part of the GATE program. In our overtime conversation, Walter revealed his belief that the GATE program could be linked to MK Ultra programming. It was a mind-blowing discussion.
Now, it's time for Elle to take the stage and share her firsthand experiences within the GATE program. We talk about how she got involved, how she started connecting the dots that something might be off, her memories such as spending a night sleeping next to a centuries-old mummy in a possible ritual, and how he father might tie into this whole thing with his military background.
557: Cultish Baptism (Members)
In Episode 557: Cultish Baptism, we dive into Rhiannon's wild story as she shares her unsettling experience during her college days. She tells us of the strange turn of events that unfolded after she encountered a group of individuals who invited her to participate in a Bible study. Little did Rhiannon know that this seemingly innocent invitation would lead her down an unexpected path. As she tells us more, we start to see the group's unsettling agenda, which culminated in a bizarre ritualistic baptism. Things took a turn for the worse as spiritual struggles and demonic attachments plagued her life following this cultish baptism. She explains how different paranormal phenomena emerged in her life, including a possible portal discovered within her son's closet in their newly constructed home. Then, after she shares her experiences we engage in a thought-provoking conversation about the existence of gateways and portals that connect us to other realms.
555: Dreamscape Recruitment (Members)
In Episode 555: Dreamscape Recruitment, we delve into the chilling tale of Jarrod and his haunting encounters with a mysterious visitor in his dreams. We explore the possibility that this visitor in his dreams was nothing ordinary but rather an otherworldly entity, perhaps even the devil himself, breaching the bounds of consciousness. This entity was showing Jarrod occult and demonic symbolism and would ask him what it meant to him. Jarrod had no idea what those symbols were until he looked them up and started learning about them. What was the purpose behind these dreams? Was it a plan to get Jarrod to simply start studying the occult in hopes to catch his interest? Or was it a vetting process, testing him for a possible future invitation to embrace this entity? But we start the episode as Jarrod recounts a wild encounter during a Machine Gun Kelly concert that echoes the experience shared by James in Episode 512: Dessert Portal Death Cult. Jarrod had missing time and an absolutely bizarre experience that he comes to share with us today!
553: Cajun Cryptids (Members)
In Episode 553: Cajun Cryptids we delve into the extraordinary world of Scott. Scott was personally recommended by Chris from Forbidden Knowledge. Scott takes us on his mind-blowing journey through a tapestry of untamed encounters. Get ready for encounters that span the eerie mind-speaking realm of Rougarou (dogman), the elusive presence of bigfoot, bewildering UFO sightings, and even potential abductions. Scott talks about his trip to a Native American reservation, where he was granted rare access to interact with their mysterious cryptids. Get ready to be enthralled as Scott shares with us his unparalleled experiences, offering unique insights and perspectives on these captivating creatures.
551: Warehouse Werewolf (Members)
In Episode 551: Warehouse Werewolf we bring Matt onto the show. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as we delve into the spine-tingling encounter of Matt and his friends, who stumbled upon a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned warehouse complex. The dogs seemed to not even notice Matt and his friends as they ran by them as if they were trying to escape something. What they witnessed next was the pack of dogs being torn to pieces by a creature just out of sight. As they stood in shock and confusion, a giant dog appeared before them, standing up on its hind legs like a human. Without warning, the beast set its sights on the group of teenagers, sending them running for their lives. But that was just the beginning of their nightmare. As they tried to escape, the werewolf relentlessly pursued them through a dark and eerie warehouse maze. As they tried to make it out alive they were constantly faced with the growing reality that they might become the werewolf's next victims.
549: Living Gateways (Members)
In Episode 549: Living Gateways we are joined by Derek. Derek and I met each other on a group tour The Confessionals did to the Burn Brae Mansion. He and his Dad are pastors of a church in New York and when he hear Pastor Didio on my show for episode 540: Portals To Hell and Biblical Super Soldier he was so intrigued he did a word study and came back with some interesting results! When he told me his findings and that he would be in town soon, I had to have him in the studio to record and share with you all what he turned up!
547: Killing Jinn and Jumping Realms (Members)
In Episode 547: Killing Jinn and Jumping Realms we are joined by Ed. He served in Army Special Operations in Iraq and while there discovered some pretty gruesome torture houses that have very dark energy connected to them. After the discoveries and heading back to the barracks, he wasn't alone. He started become tortured himself by a jinn that was coming to him in his sleep. Through a series of events, he was able to go on the offensive and kill the unkillable. From there he shares his remote viewing experiences, spiritual encounters with Jesus, and a literal portal opening up in his living room with entities coming through.
545: Intergalactic Baby Mama (Members)
In Episode 545: Intergalactic Baby Mama we are joined by Sahdi from the Lions Gate podcast. Her son JC listens to The Confessionals and told her she had to reach out to tell her lived experiences of abductions. Sahdi from a young age has gone through abductions where she remembers seeing and communicating with other people and entities as well as going through medical procedures. She believes she is the mother to multiple hybrid children whom she has met on occasion as well as raised because she believes her son JC is one of those hybrid children. When he was just a few months old he was displaying physical and mental feats that were on pace for that of a two-year-old child. Sahdi always shares about her NDE (near-death experience) which might have played a role in her abductions in a way.
543: Stepping Into Alternate Realities (Members)
In Episode 543: Stepping Into Alternate Realities we are joined by Ceasar who comes to share about his wild experiences serving in the United States military. Ceasar shares a story that has some shadows of Charlie's story from Episode 122: Secret Military Enochian Technology such as the oddities of circulating around him filling out his "dream sheet" of what he would like to do most while he serves. He ends up getting stationed in Antarctica and from there, things get outright weird for him. He talks about finding himself in President Bush's limo, having reptilian roommates, time travel, portal entries, underwater bases, working with greys, and much more. Today, Ceasar is still dealing with some issues post-military service as he believes he has a handler that follows him around, essentially gangstalking him to which the purpose is unknown. But before he walks us into all this, he lays the foundation of his childhood where he was sent to a nunnery, and how that experience might play a foundational role in his life direction.
541: Portal Entities (Members)
In Episode 541: Portal Entities we are joined by Pastor Daniel. He shares how when he was a child he and his brother saw a horned entity in their bedroom but what his brother saw was a little more than a child would have to experience. We venture into a topic of conversation where we discuss where these beings are coming from and how are they getting here. Could it be portals? Could their very makeup be a type of portal to traverse between realms? Could the human mind be a portal into other realms? We discuss all this in today’s member episode.
539: The Kappa of Japan (Members)
In Episode 539: The Kappa of Japan we are joined by Ev. He is a marine stationed in Japan right now and he had a run-in with a Japanese cryptid known as a "Kappa." One night when he couldn't sleep he took a walk down by the water and there he saw this creature under a bridge. He had a bizarre interaction with this being and it left him seeking answers and that is when the locals filled him in on the fact that he saw the Kappa. From there he sought more answers and he comes on today to share what he's learned.
537: Bigfoot Burial Plot (Members)
In Episode 537: Bigfoot Burial Plot we have a different-paced show. I am joined in the studio by my brother and assistant Jack as we discuss his coming on board to work with me at Merkel Media. Then we give an in-depth walkthrough of the NEW members app which is available now on Apple and Google Play stores. After we talk shop, we get into some weird things that have been happening around the studio with "something" or "someone" trying to enter through our backdoor. Jack and I both experienced this separately on two separate occasions. We also had some other odd things happening since he arrived in Tennessee and we get into that as well. Lastly, we talk about my trip out west trying to hunt down the bigfoot and a location we have been given where there is a bigfoot buried and waiting to be exhumed.
535: Hauntings At Sea and At Home (Members)
In Episode 535: Hauntings At Sea and At Home we are joined by Jed. He wants to share some of his paranormal encounters while stationed on the USS Nimitz, a haunted apartment he and his wife lived in, and his chilling experiences working as a security guard.
533: Little People, D.U.M.B.'s & Bigfoot of the Smoky Mountains (Members)
In Episode 533: Little People, D.U.M.B.'s & Bigfoot of the Smoky Mountains we are joined by author Mary Joyce. When I moved to Tennessee I started talking to locals about what I do and the common experiences popped up of people seeing UFOs and bigfoot but what caught me off guard was the topic of little people. Multiple people have brought up the topic as well as the person to talk to about it all, Mary Joyce. So Mary joins me to talk about her reporting on the topic but also other topics such as bigfoot, deep underground military bases, UFOs, and more.
531: The Joshua Tree Cult Leader (Member)
In Episode 531: The Joshua Tree Cult Leader we are joined by James. He reached out after hearing Episode 512: Desert Portal Death Cult because the story being revealed in that episode sounded extremely similar to what he had gone through. James was in charge of soldiers that were getting kicked out of the military and one soldier always stuck out to him more than the others. This soldier lived in a house with other people that would call him "father" and he called them "his children." On an extended weekend, this soldier asked James to take him out to a party in Joshua Tree that had RVs and tents all over which is what was described in episode 512. It turns out we are nearly 100% sure that this location was the exact location from episode 512 but 5 years earlier.
529: The Pink Portal Door (Members)
In Episode 529: The Pink Portal Door we are joined by returning guest Melissa. She first appeared in episode 175: It Dragged Me Down The Hall (also it was just rebroadcast as a Reloaded Monday) where she talked about being haunted by an entity her entire life. This entity got so violent that it literally drug her out of bed and down the hallway. She left us off in the first conversation talking about how she believes this thing has attached itself to her son Jack. Today she joins me again to give an update as there are new developments that she would like to share. It seems like the attachment has shifted completely towards Jack and Melissa believes it's because he is special. Jack talks about seeing a pink door that takes him to other places and after knowing what I know now, I believe Jack is describing something that is literally happening. As she is talking in this episode we both hear things moving and speaking into her phone, her dogs act very unhinged and her phone hung up on me multiple times.
527: Haunted Sleepover with The Confessionals (Members)
In Episode 527: Haunted Sleepover with The Confessionals we are joined by Laura. For the last couple of years, The Confessionals has taken a select group of listeners on a bus trip to haunted locations where we would spend the nights. The first trip was to the Burn Brae Mansion and the second trip was to the Shanley Hotel. Laura was on both of these trips and we finally get the opportunity to sit down and rehash what we experienced these haunted nights as we slept over in these infamous locations.
525: Sasquatch Harasses Smoky Mountain Property (Members)
In episode 525: Sasquatch Harasses Smoky Mountain Property we are joined by Carey to talk about how she had so much bigfoot activity on her East Tennessee property that she and her husband had to sell it and move 10 hours away. Seven years ago they moved from Virginia to Tennessee with the idea that they were going to settle in there for the rest of their lives. But as soon as they arrived they knew something was wrong as the harassment started and continued to happen until they left.
521: Demonic Influences Misdiagnosed (Members)
In Episode 521: Demonic Influences Misdiagnosed we are joined by Kelsey. She has had some wild things happen regarding witches, demons, and things she just can't explain, such as a car being thrown at her and her husband that narrowly missed them. She was in a mental hospital off and on for seven years after being misdiagnosed and through that process, she was opened up to a lot of supernatural activity. With her husband's encouragement, she comes on the show to share her story in hopes to help others be more confident in themselves if they find they're in similar situations.