Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Forest Dogman in Eastern France

The following written confession was submitted via Reddit: If I remember correctly it was the 2nd of May 2022 and as I said I was in the forest near the village of Giron to pick berries. I was alone there was no one around but it was not something strange because it's a very sparsely populated part of France. The thing that felt strange was the fact that I did not see any animals. No deer, no wild boars, no foxes. It was silent…

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Written Confession: Supernatural Healing at Walgreen's

The following written confession was submitted via email: …I wanted to tell you about a quick testimony I experienced 2 days ago (2/22/23). I was listening to your podcast, episode 75, modern miracles, with Timothy Waugh. I'm a Spirit filled lover of Jesus and have seen many miracles face to face, but rarely experience them for myself personally…

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Written Confessions, UFOs, Paranormal, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, UFOs, Paranormal, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: UFO Stories From Scotland

The following written confession and video were submitted via email: Over the years I’ve seen things in the sky since I was a wee boy and this is the latest one. The first one was in the late ‘70’s when I saw a disc shaped object fly low and slowly over the street were we used to live. It was dark like the night sky but I could make out the outline of whatever it was. It past over then looked like it was going down but disappeared….

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Cryptids, Creature Feature Friday, Humor Lindsay Merkel Cryptids, Creature Feature Friday, Humor Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: The Gumberoo

There are a lot of strange things you don’t want to encounter in the woods, and one of them includes a fat, bald exploding bear. The Gumberoo comes out of lumberjack legends, hailing from the foggy region along the Pacific Coast. It bears a resemblance to black bears, except that it is completely hairless but for its bristly beard and big eyebrows.

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BLOG: KnoxvilleVoyager Online Magazine Features 'Conversations with Tony Merkel'

KnoxvilleVoyager recently shared a Local Stories feature about a brand new local: Tony Merkel, host of The Confessionals podcast and Merkel Media CEO! Check out the story here or visit KnoxvilleVoyager to read their full interview with Tony as he discusses his journey into podcasting, launching Merkel Media, his networking advice, and more.

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Written Confessions, Time, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Time, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Phantom Family of Florida

The following written confession was submitted via email: as he walked through the neighborhood he heard someone yell his nickname he was given as a child in West Virginia, "hey hog, hey hog Ryder" … he sees a vaguely familiar face on a man that is sitting on his front porch, children running around and wife close by yelling at them, he approached the home and said "how did you know my nick name?"…

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Paranormal, Dogman, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, Dogman, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Shadow in the Cemetery

The following written confession was submitted via email: Long story short I had heard a local, old cemetery was guarded by a dogman. Me and my buddy went and snuck to the back where this dogman/cryptid was supposedly found. This cemetery has older gravesites at it from about the late 1800s in the back where we were. We had read it was found around the children's stones. On the walk there I'm looking in the tree line to my right and I see an odd silhouette…

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Giants, Government, Video Lindsay Merkel Giants, Government, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: The Why Files Digs In To What Happened to Andrew Dawson and The Confessionals Podcast Gets a Mention

The mystery surrounding what really happened to Andrew Dawson, the TikToker who alleged filmed a giant in British Columbia, has only grown since his tragic death in 2022. The Why Files takes a closer examination of Andrew’s videos, his strange story, and what may have befallen him after his giant sighting - plus gives a mention to The Confessionals Podcast and our own feature on Andrew, TikToker Who Posted Video of a Giant on Whistlers Peak Mountain and Said CIA Was Stalking Him Dies 3 Months Later.

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Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: East Tennessee Dogman Disappears After One Fired Shot

The following written confession was submitted via email: He and a friend were walking through a field in East Tennessee. They were finished with their hunt and it was near dark. As they were walking they noticed something walking toward them. As it got closer they could see it was what they described as a werewolf or dogman…

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Mystery, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Mystery, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Haunted Home Full of Old Random Children's Teeth

The following written confession was submitted via email: . . . Now every time something happened she’d make sure it wasn’t one of her kids and most of the time it wasn’t because if they weren’t with her talking to me they were playing in front of her as she was renovating at the time. So fast forward to 2021 and one night she rang me early completely puzzled. She was doing laundry and came back I think to the office and there was an old child’s tooth . . .

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Faceless Girl in the Wardrobe

The following written confession was shared via My Haunted Life Too: . . . The morning after our first nights stay, our daughter came into our room, and I asked how she slept and she said ‘great’. She then went on to say ‘but mum, you know how when you stare at things long enough, you start to see funny things’ . . .

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Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: An Unseen Roommate in an Unoccupied Apartment Bedroom

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …About 23:00 at night, Lefty texted me, "Yumi are you okay? You sick?" I was so confused. Lefty continued, "I kept hearing someone sneezing and coughing, isn't that you?" I said, "No, I've been quiet this entire time, isn't it you who's be moving around and packing boxes?" Left said, "What? I haven't been packing anything at all today, I've been on my bed playing with my phone the entire time”…

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BLOG: The Confessionals Podcast TOP 10 Episodes of 2022

The end is nigh: another year is coming to a close, so it’s time to begin the countdown with our TOP 10 episodes of 2022! This year we’ve shared strange skinwalker stories, interviewed notable personalities, chased down Dogman, considered Nephilim theories, and much more. Now, re-visit some of these hot topics featured in the top 10 list - did your favorite episode make the cut?!

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