Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Ghosts, Paranormal, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 6 Images of Ghost Monks Caught on Camera

The Confessionals Episode 112: Demons in the Desert features a scary encounter with a ghost monk. While it is a unique sighting, others have also witnessed strange apparitions of monks! Take a look at 6 photos of alleged ghost monks that tourists, a ghost hunter, and a photographer managed to catch on camera:

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Written Confession: Strange Rock Looks an Awful Lot Like a Tiny Skull

A listener of The Confessionals recently reached out via social media and then email for opinions about a strange rock he found in Texas. He first submitted photos of the rock/skull to the Paleontology Department at the University of Colorado, which responded that it “vaguely resembled a skull.” We think that the weathered-looking artifact, though it is no bigger than a man’s thumb, looks a bit more than “vaguely” like a skull. The object appears to have eye sockets, a nasal cavity, and possible mouth with teeth. The closest comparison we can draw at present is to a fetal chimpanzee skull, though there are many other possibilities as to what it could really be. Here are the details of its discovery:

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Bigfoot, Cryptids, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel Bigfoot, Cryptids, The Confessionals Podcast Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: Bigfoot A to Z

Would a Bigfoot by any other name still smell as... musky? Skunky? What does a Bigfoot really smell like, anyway? There are still many things we don’t know with certainty about the infamously elusive cryptid, but one thing we do know is that Bigfoot is a phenomenon that has been recognized by diverse cultures on countless occasions throughout history. 

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BLOG: Opera Ghosts - Echoes of the Rhoads Opera House Fire

On the corner of South Washington Street and East Philadelphia Avenue in Boyertown, Pennsylvania is a red brick building. Three stories tall and largely unadorned, it doesn’t stand out from its neighbors, blending in to blocks of similarly-styled buildings without a second glance. Small shops rotate through the ground floor, while apartment dwellers come and go through its top two tiers. Except for a commemorative plaque hung on the front of the building, one would never know that on this particular site, 171 people died in a single night. 

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BLOG: Ugly Holiday Sweaters for a Crypto-Paranormal Christmas!

It’s the holiday season! That means it’s time again for spreading Christmas cheer and breaking out the old holiday traditions: decorations, gifts, festive music (on every single radio station), family togetherness... and ugly sweaters. For all of you fellow paranormal and cryptozoological enthusiasts, check out some of these truly terrible designs to inspire your ugly Christmas sweater collection.

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Mystery, Time Travel Lindsay Merkel Mystery, Time Travel Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: A Time-Traveling Hero or the Internet’s First Hoax: Who is John Titor?

In 1957, the world asked, “Who is John Galt?” That year, Objectivism author Ayn Rand published her most famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, and the refrain throughout the story, “Who is John Galt?” wondered at the mysterious identity of a man who may or may not exist. “John Galt” seemingly appears and disappears from out of thin air, a faceless legend who cannot be traced but who has the ability to affect the future of a nation. The repeated phrase, “Who is John Galt?” became the universal way of asking a question no one could really answer.

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Written Confession: A Navajo Woman Shares Stories of the Skinwalkers

The following written confession was submitted via email: This happened a long time ago. I am not fluent in English, but I do my best. I'm Navajo women from the Four Corners area, and I grew up as a traditional Navajo.  This means my family conducted Navajo traditional ceremonies and we had lot of  ceremonies, and it was always healing ceremony and lot of prayers.  My grandpa, my dad's father was a medicine man…

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Written Confession: Another Roof Walker Encounter in El Paso, Texas

The following written confession was submitted via email: I was listening to episode 95 roof walker with kasey. She didn’t mention what city/town in Texas she was from. I had an situation where “something” ran across my roof. Never found out what it was but I am also from a town in Texas near the Mexican border where Santa clause wears shorts and has an accent… Initially my heart dropped bc her story sounded familiar to mine. I lived in El Paso Texas with my older sister when I was around 17-18 years old. She worked 12 hour nights so I was home alone often….

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Written Confession: UFO Lights in Arizona

The following written + video confession was submitted via email: the video was taken November 4 2012 in mesa, Arizona about a 15 min drive from Phoenix, AZ from beginning to end the lights probably lasted about 40 minutes the video is a lot shorter than that however the lights had started before I started recording and continue after I stopped recording I then hopped into my car and follow them a little and managed to get closer and reached an open field where I saw two of these objects together and suddenly one of them took a hard right turn and sped off….

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Written Confession: The Mysterious Man in the Desert of Qatar

The following written confession was submitted via email: In Qatar I was finishing up my deployment. It had only been 6 months and 1 month to go, but it had been a long six months. I had some down time so I went to the showers. No sooner than turning the faucet knob, I heard my Staff Sergeant asking another Airmen if I had been in the shower. So I quickly soaped my body and just as I was finishing rinsing Sergeant slid the curtain and began briefing me for a post that I was personally requested to man. It was very odd, I know I'm a free body right now, but I'm not that well known and this was a very high security area. So I gathered my gear and headed to the armory for my weapon and transport to arrive….

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The Confessionals Podcast, Podcasting Lindsay Merkel The Confessionals Podcast, Podcasting Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 7 Ways to Celebrate International Podcast Day This Year

Queue up your favorite podcatcher and prepare to audio binge this weekend - September 30 is International Podcast Day! As podcasts continue to grow in prevalence throughout the world, it’s becoming clearer that they have fundamentally changed the way audio is consumed! In honor of this important and captivating medium, here are 7 ways that podcast fans can celebrate International Podcast Day.

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Written Confessions, Aliens Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Aliens Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Haunted by Ghosts, Abducted by Aliens

The following written confession was shared via email: This goes way back before I was born it will be a long story so you can  understand why, what  is  happening . I was born in cape town south Africa  in 1971 a June winter child my father is  sicilian  a WW2 baby his grandfather was a witch  doctor /medicine man, my dad was born with  something special and he has the same gifts which I  have  too passed down to  first born in the family….

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