Written Confession: The Woman in the White Nightgown

The following written confession was submitted via email:

So first off this all started maybe in the last year, maybe longer not really sure. It started as a dream where I kept seeing this shadowy figure in my dreams and I know it was a woman. I could see long black hair kind of draped over her face, but I couldn't make out the face. She seemed to be wearing a white nightgown or dress I couldn't really make it out. And every dream it was at a place I used to live when I was younger. She seemed to just be peaking at me around the corner but every time I get close, she would pull herself back to where I can't see her and when I get close to look from where she was, she would now be peaking at me at a different location farther away, then I would wake up. I kept having the same dream with the same women and same outcome. Then finally she appeared in my current house down my hallway doing the same thing. However, this only happened maybe two or three times. Until I started to experience this when I was awake, but in between falling asleep and being awake. I would stare down my hallway and she would just be staring at me, and I still couldn't make out her face. However, these dreams seemed to stop after one night when I saw the same thing, but some little boy appeared, and I could make him out and it seemed as if light was surrounding this little boy. I don't know who this boy was, but he walked towards me then I woke up. After that it stopped for maybe a week or two not sure on the time period. Then I started to see shadow figures in my house moving usually in the side of my eyes. I get just a weird feeling every time I sense or feel these things. I always get this feeling now something is staring at me whenever I try and go to sleep. Recently my GF put a nightlight in our bedroom bathroom I swear I started seeing this woman again peaking at me from the bathroom while awake and it just scares me to where I can't fall asleep, and I just sit up in bed and stare at the bathroom but then I never see it, but I just sense something is there. My GF has told me she has been seeing these shadow figures in the house as well, but not the women. She tells me she doesn't feel like they want to harm us, but I don't know. I always get this weird feeling when I see them. I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things or if it's just my mind playing tricks. It might just be nothing, but this is my experiences and I continue to see these shadow figures not every day, but it does seem to be becoming more frequent.


BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 1


Creature Feature Friday: The Beast of Busco