Creature Feature Friday: The Beast of Busco

There’s more than corn in Indiana! This Creature Feature Friday looks at the the Beast of Busco, a legendary cryptid that emerged from the depths of Churubusco, Indiana.

1) Mysterious Origins: The Beast of Busco made its grand debut in the small town of Churubusco, Indiana, in 1949. The creature, described as an enormous snapping turtle, first came to light when a local farmer named Gale Harris reported seeing the massive turtle in his seven-acre lake. The turtle was said to be so large that it resembled something out of a prehistoric era, drawing comparisons to the size of a dining room table.

2) The Great Turtle Hunt: Word of the colossal turtle spread quickly, leading to a town-wide frenzy and an organized hunt to capture the Beast of Busco. Gale Harris, determined to prove the turtle’s existence, enlisted the help of his neighbors and even hired professional divers to scour the lake. The effort to find and capture the turtle became a local spectacle, drawing crowds of curious onlookers and media attention from across the country.

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3) Credible Witnesses and Failed Attempts: The first sighting by Gale Harris wasn’t the only account of the Beast of Busco. Several credible witnesses, including local farmers and townspeople, reported seeing the enormous turtle in the lake. One story tells of a diver who, after a failed attempt to capture the turtle, emerged from the lake claiming that the beast was "as big as a Chevrolet." Another account describes the chaos that ensued when the townspeople tried to drag the turtle out with a tractor, only to find their equipment outmatched by the elusive creature. Despite numerous attempts to catch the beast using traps, nets, and even dynamite, the elusive turtle managed to evade capture time and again. The townspeople’s efforts became more inventive and desperate, including draining the lake, but the beast remained out of reach.

4) Legendary Status and Lasting Fame: Despite never being captured, the Beast of Busco cemented its place in local lore. The turtle hunt brought Churubusco into the national spotlight, and the town embraced its newfound fame. To this day, Churubusco celebrates the legend of the Beast of Busco with an annual festival known as "Turtle Days," complete with parades, turtle races, and plenty of turtle-themed fun.

What do you think the Beast of Busco was? And where did it come from? Whether it’s a figment of collective imagination or a freak of nature, this mutant turtle remains one massive mystery.


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