READ: Startup Achieves First Ever Two-Way Communication During Lucid Dreaming Experiment
A California-based neurotech startup has made (brain) waves by claiming they’ve achieved the first-ever two-way communication between individuals during lucid dreaming. REMspace reports that two individuals successfully sent and confirmed a message while asleep, thanks to some specialized equipment. If this achievement holds up to scrutiny, it could shift the entire landscape of dream research.
Written Confession: The Woman in the White Nightgown
The following written confession was submitted via email: So first off this all started maybe in the last year, maybe longer not really sure. It started as a dream where I kept seeing this shadowy figure in my dreams and I know it was a woman. I could see long black hair kind of draped over her face, but I couldn't make out the face. She seemed to be wearing a white nightgown or dress…
Written Confession: Unexplained Wallpaper-Peeling Entities & a Nightmare Encounter With a Night Hag
The following written confession was submitted via email: . . . Every night when I’d go to bed, i would see these lights in my bedroom. They weren’t bright lights. And they weren’t like manmade lights. It was almost like my eyes were causing these flashing lights and zigzags… shifting lights. And what was so weird was I would vaguely see these beings that would start to dismantle the room . . .
Written Confession: A Fiery Premonition in a Hellish Dream
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was 17, I left home, found a job and a flat share back in London, but I would come home to my mums the odd weekend. This particular time I came home in the Friday, & I went to bed in my old room. That night I had a very vivid and terrifying nightmare…
Written Confession: Dreaming and Waking Up To a Reptilian Demon
The following written confession was submitted via email: So when I was 12 my grandma on my moms side passed away and I was really upset I didn’t get to say my goodbyes because she got lung cancer from smoking that hit really hard and fast and was not really conscious in the hospital. When I was about 24 one night I had a dream I was in my grandparents old house where we always went for holidays….
Written Confession: A Nightmare About the Gargoyle in Episode 152, Years Before the Episode Ever Aired
The following written confession was submitted via email, describing a dream from several years ago about a creature exactly like the scary mystery demon someone else witnessed, in real life, in Episode 152: The Gargoyle. “I’ve been listening for a few months and the creature described in this episode matched the one of something I saw in a dream a few years back, including the ungodly scream. . . “