Written Confession: The Demon Clown Creature in Indiana
The following written confession was submitted via email: ...I had encounter with my brother probably about 13 years ago that has changed my life, left me with permanent anxiety and fears and have spent every year since researching online, watching every ghost show and paranormal show trying to find something to help me understand what my brother and I encountered...
Written Confession: The Night a Clown with a Knife Came Knocking
The following written confession was shared by a member of The Confessionals via mobile app: [Episode] 676 - I'll tell my experience that me, my aunt and her friend had. My aunt is just 8yrs older than me, so we were all young. I was 5yrs old. I was over at her house, she and her friend was babysitting me. The house is in a suburb of Tulsa which at that time was pretty rural area, so it has always perplexed me about how this occurred….