BLOG: A Trip Down the Conspiratorial Rabbit Hole with That Lady on a Plane and the "NOT REAL" Shapeshifting Person - Everything We Know So Far
Twitter is an uncivilized wilderness of weirdness. The latest, greatest descent into the rabbit hole of the Twitterverse comes courtesy of a viral video of a lady on a plane aggressively accusing her seat mate of being “not real.” On the surface, it could be relatively easy to dismiss the clip as a case of too much booze before boarding, or even a medical episode of delusion. But in the days since the original video first emerged, this particular rabbit trail has gotten curiouser and curiouser.
Written Confession: The Napping Dinosaur in Grass Valley, California
The following written confession was submitted via email: I wanted to share a brief encounter I had when I was about 10 or 12 years old. While on a field trip to a mine about an hour away I think it was called empire mine in grass valley California about 90 percent sure it was that one. So for about maybe 10 minutes or more I decided to look around apart from my group…