Written Confession: Stalked by a Bipedal Creature on Skyline Drive
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was 18 or 19 yrs old I saw something at 1 or 2 am on Skyline Drive in Virginia, just north of the swift run entrance which is on Rt 33. I went up there during that winter night to listen to distant cb traffic in my car. If I'm not mistaken it was January or February of 1991. I had not long returned home from Ft Benning Georgia after completing basic training. I had driven 1 or 2 miles north after entering the drive and did a U turn to pull off at an overlook to listen to my Cb radio…
Written Confession: The Charging Cornfield Creature
The following written confession was submitted via email: …[Y]ears ago when I was a teenager, a small group of neighborhood boys and I were chased out of a cornfield that butted up against our subdivision. The thing (for lack of a better word) was Jet black and hunched over like an ape or some kind of beast. It was staring at us from about 20-30 feet away and practically motionless…
Creature Feature Friday: The Jersey Devil
With centuries of sightings, screams in the night, and even school closings, one famous cryptid has forever changed the landscape of the woods of New Jersey — this week’s Creature Feature Friday is none other than the Jersey Devil!
VIDEO: Big Cat Sighting Caught on Security Camera in Tennessee
A Smyrna man is alerting his neighbors after believing he captured a cougar on his home security camera, despite Tennessee authorities stating that such sightings are exceedingly rare.
Creature Feature Friday: The Snallygaster
Maryland, home to the majestic Chesapeake Bay, delicious crab cakes, and a fearsome winged creature. Enter the Snallygaster, a cryptid that has captured the imagination and fear of Marylanders for centuries. Like a creature out of Lewis Carroll literature, the Snallygaster is part dragon, part bird, and 100% legendary cryptid.
Written Confession: Hairy Leaping Creature May Have Been a Dogman
The following written confession was submitted via email: I have a story where I saw something very unusual as a teen with my parents while driving on our country road. It was only a few seconds but I’ve never forgotten it…
Creature Feature Friday: The Not Deer
Have you heard of the “Not Deer”? It’s like a deer… but it’s… not. This eerie folk cryptid out of Appalachia may look normal at first glance, but a closer inspection reveals the creature is anything but natural. From its canine mouth, to claws instead of hooves, to its bipedal walk, the Not Deer is a phenomenon no one can entirely explain.
Written Confession: Kid's Brother Talks to a Strange Snake With Hands
The following written confession was submitted via email: This happened almost like 12 years ago I was 10 I believe and my brother was 7, it was a Saturday and my parents had gone to the grocery store so it was just me and him and some of my uncles were outside . I was just in my room when he starts screaming….
Written Confession: I Don't Know What I Encountered in the Australian Woods
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by Enigmacipher17: …I was out driving at around 11:30pm with my girlfriend and as we were in the area decided to show her the woodlands while we were in the area as she loves everything to do with nature and it was summer so an extremely warm night. I left my car with the lights shining into the trees as we weren’t going too far in and it was pitch black inside and the two of us just kind of sat chatting, having a smoke and generally relaxing, she was sitting on a sort of map of the area that had been put in on some plastic and I was keeping an eye on the trees as I had a feeling that something was just wrong…
Creature Feature Friday: Mongolian Death Worm
Today’s Creature Feature Friday takes a look at a desert legend that has been sighted from 1927 to at least 2013 - the Mongolian Death Worm! Resembling a cow’s intestines, the creepy cryptid can supposedly corrode metal with its acid venom, spends most of its time tunneling underground, and was the inspiration for the movie monster in a '90s cult classic!
Creature Feature Friday: Krampus the Christmas Demon
It’s the holiday edition of Creature Feature Friday, featuring the merry and bright KRAMPUS! Hailing from Germanic and Austrian folklore, Krampus is a half-man, half-goat demon with a penchant for punishment. While St. Nick brings the gifts to good girls and boys, Krampus brings the pain and damnation to the naughty ones. Who wouldn’t want that guy at their holiday party?!
Creature Feature Friday: The Pukwudgie
It’s Creature Feature Friday! It may be small, but it’s deadly, mean, and not to be trifled with. Take a look at 5 disturbing details about the magical North American cryptid known as the Pukwudgie… including its appearance in The Confessionals Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts.
Creature Feature Friday: The Shug Monkey
Today’s Creature Feature Friday checks out The Shug Monkey, a half-dog half-monkey hybrid cryptid famous for haunting Slough Hill in England! Check out these 5 details about the creepy creature…
Written Confession: Lizard Man on the Swampy Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: In July of 2016 some friends (we'll call them Cole, Cody, Nick and Josh) and I were walking home from a party around 3am. We were going to Cole's house since he was house sitting for his grandma. Her house is also haunted but we'll save that for another post. Anyway, we were walking from this party, which was about a half a mile away from Cole's place and the road we had to walk on gets crazy dark at night…