Written Confession: A Bizarre Encounter with Greys and a Delta Syringe
The following written confession was submitted via email: So I've been listening to your podcast and it got me kinda shook. It shook me a bit because it confirmed some of what I had otherwise been telling myself was just a dream. So I was listening to one of your cast and I heard your guest talk about one of their abduction experiences where these things came and took him and injected him with a tri or delta syringe. When he said that I flipped because I knew exactly what he was talking about….
Written Confession: Haunted by Ghosts, Abducted by Aliens
The following written confession was shared via email: This goes way back before I was born it will be a long story so you can understand why, what is happening . I was born in cape town south Africa in 1971 a June winter child my father is sicilian a WW2 baby his grandfather was a witch doctor /medicine man, my dad was born with something special and he has the same gifts which I have too passed down to first born in the family….