VIDEO: Quite Frankly "Dreamland, Spiritual Attack, LaVey's Silver Cord" Featuring Tony Merkel
This episode of Quite Frankly features Tony Merkel, host of The Confessionals Podcast, diving into some of his most recent paranormal experiences. From spiritual attacks and Dogman updates to an upcoming trip to “The Meadow,” Tony shares firsthand accounts of the supernatural.
READ: Goblins Reportedly Terrorize Police Station in Zimbabwe As Officers Flee in Fear
What’s creeping around in Zimbabwe? Recently the Gwambe police base in Bulilima, Matabeleland South, has been abandoned by its officers due to nightly terror attacks – not from criminals, but from goblins. Ward 2 Councillor Mabed Ngulani confirmed the supernatural situation. "We built a police station for the officers, and initially, they patrolled in pairs," Ngulani explained. "However, they haven’t been able to stay for extended periods."
Written Confession: The Midnight Orb Encounter
The following written confession was submitted via email: I’m just curious if others have experienced the same thing. Basically, I woke up to my husband coming to bed approximately two hours after I did. I was drowsy at first, but I pointed to a translucent orb floating at the foot of the bed…
Written Confession: A Gargoyle and a Guardian Angel
The following written confession was submitted via email: …One night when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, I heard something behind me. Now the bed in my room was pushed up next to the corner of my wall so that the head of my bed as well as the left side were both up against a wall. At this point I was facing toward the wall to my left and my bad was to the night stand next to my when. Now our house was about 75+ years old, so hearing the house make weird noises at night was not uncommon, but what I heard was not normal, and was not from the house….
Written Confession: Spiritual Battle at Summer Camp
The following written confession was submitted via email: …I just finished listening to your interview with Pastor Daniel in 541 and there were just too many coincidences to not reach out… Like Daniel, I was put into a situation that - frankly - I wasn’t prepared for, but the Lord stepped up in a huge way. Unlike Daniel, however - my church tried to sweep it all under the rug…
LISTEN: Forbidden Knowledge News - 'Supernatural Forest Sorcerers - Louisiana Lycanthropes - Swamp Nephilim | Tony Merkel'
On April 18 Tony joined Forbidden Knowledge News for a strange and supernatural discussion! Tune in to hear (or watch) the conversation on Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, Rumble, Rokfin and more.
Written Confession: Supernatural Healing at Walgreen's
The following written confession was submitted via email: …I wanted to tell you about a quick testimony I experienced 2 days ago (2/22/23). I was listening to your podcast, episode 75, modern miracles, with Timothy Waugh. I'm a Spirit filled lover of Jesus and have seen many miracles face to face, but rarely experience them for myself personally…
Written Confession: A Late Sister's Pre-Death Omen and Post-Death Message
The following written confession was submitted via email: In 1995/1996, my sister (whom I will keep anonymous) was diagnosed and eventually passed away from stomach/esophageal cancer. She was 39, with 4 young kids. In the last couple weeks before her death, she would talk frankly with all of us (there were 6 sisters in all), about her immanent death. Her fears, our fears, her heartache, etc. On one of these occasions, she states “I’m ready to die, I’m just scared I’m going to see that black thing again …”
BLOG: 5 Photos People Claim Reveal Real Angels
The realm of the supernatural has fascinated the human world for centuries, and one of the most enduring entities of our intrigue is the figure of the angel. Created by God to serve as ministering spirits, angels have been the subject of stories, works of art, and cultural beliefs countless times over. But though there are many believers who would admit to having felt the presence of angelic entities, actually seeing one seems much more rare. Capturing an angel on film, then, may be nothing short of a miracle - here are five photos people claim reveal real angels!
Written Confession: Comfort from Beyond
The following written confession was submitted via email: I truly believe that all are connected or sensitive in some form. I have always had the connection to those close to me when I can call and ask someone what is wrong and they will ask how I knew. I got it from my mom. We live 3,000 miles away and she still has the innate ability to call me when she knows something is wrong. You have heard things like that hundreds if not thousands of times I am sure. But, I have two experiences that I hold near and dear to my heart….
VIDEO: Tony Joins The Kev Baker Show on YouTube
On April 2, 2020, Tony joined a live episode of The Kev Baker Show on YouTube. Watch his interview for a two-hour conversation about bigfoot, fallen angels, creepy feelings in the woods, and many more supernatural-paranormal topics! Many thanks to Kev Baker for having Tony as a guest!
Written Confession: Lilliputians and Trolls Living in the Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: . . . When I was around 9-10 years old I had a fascination with giants and tiny things. My fear/fascination of giants is another story for another day. But, I had a thing for teeny tiny dolls like polly pocket and what-not. The reason being because I swore little people used to live in my room. On a few occasions I would awaken in the middle of the night to the sensation of having my covers sliding off. I would see several small beings trying to climb up my bed and pulling my blanket down to the floor as they did this . . .
BLOG: 10 Haunted Places in the U.S. Where Ghost Hunters Can Spend the Night
Dust off your EMF meters and break out your EVP recorders - September 28 is National Ghost Hunting Day! Established in 2016, National Ghost Hunting Day recognizes the growing popularity of paranormal investigating across the globe. Since ghost hunting is best done after dark, we’ve put together a short list of some haunted places in America where investigators can search for spirits all night long. If you ain’t afraid of no ghost, test your paranormal investigator mettle at these 10 haunted places in the U.S. where ghost hunters can spend the night!
VIDEO: Dr. Michael Heiser Discusses Ancient Aliens, Nephilim, & the Book of Enoch
The topics of Nephilim, aliens, and the Book of Enoch have arisen a number of times on The Confessionals Podcast. Some of those references include, but are not limited to, Episode 18: L.A. Marzulli - UFOs & Nephilim Giants, Episode 42: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy with Gary Wayne, and Episode 122: Secret Military Enochian Technology, as well as blog posts like The Confessionals Exclusive: Are Old Legend Giants Living in the Modern Day World? and 10 Historical Facts About Enochian - the Language of Angels and the Occult. So it’s safe to say these ancient and intriguing subjects are of great interest to us!
BLOG: 10 Amazing Accounts of Transcendent Near Death Experiences (and 5 That Are Horrifying)
By definition, a near death experience is “an unusual experience taking place on the brink of death and recounted by a person after recovery, typically an out-of-body experience or a vision of a tunnel of light.” Though fundamentally correct, the textbook definition of NDEs fails to capture the mystery, transcendence, and often supernatural nature of these episodes, which have been well-documented but still remain ambiguous in the wide scope of science.