Creature Feature Friday: The Squonk
If ever a creature was walloped by the ugly stick, it is the extraordinary Squonk. This unique cryptid out of lumberjack lore has rarely ever been sighted, and for good reason - it’s hideous. Have you ever heard of this monstrous little beast before? Check out a few (alleged) facts about the Squonk in today’s Creature Feature Friday!
Creature Feature Friday: The Whiffenpoof
You’ve probably never heard of the Whiffenpoof. You’ve probably never wanted to. But now you’ll never forget it! Here’s everything you need to know about this cheese-eating aquatic cryptid of the Lumberwoods.
Creature Feature Friday: The Gumberoo
There are a lot of strange things you don’t want to encounter in the woods, and one of them includes a fat, bald exploding bear. The Gumberoo comes out of lumberjack legends, hailing from the foggy region along the Pacific Coast. It bears a resemblance to black bears, except that it is completely hairless but for its bristly beard and big eyebrows.
Creature Feature Friday: The Hugag
Is the Hugag the world’s silliest looking-moose, a leftover dinosaur, or something else entirely? Learn more about this Lumberwoods cryptid legend - like why it cannot lie down - in today’s Creature Feature, excerpted from our blog 9 Cryptids That Are (Probably) Too Absurd To Be Real.