Written Confession: Possible Satanic Activity While Camping in Joshua Tree
The following written confession was shared via Reddit and recently emailed to us by a listener following Episode 512 - Desert Portal Death Cult: Monday night, me and my girlfriend were camping in Hidden Valley Campground. It was around 8 pm, and pitch black when we heard rhythmic chanting in some language we had never heard before. There was a leader who would yell a sentence in that language or tongue, and what a group of people would repeat the sentence…
Written Confession: Dad's Doppelganger in an Empty House
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …I had my back to the door and was just reading a children's bedtime story to my almost asleep son, when I heard from behind me, my Dad's voice calling my name. It startled me, as we were home alone. I turned around quickly to see my Dad just rounding the corner heading down the stairs…
Written Confession: Surrounded By Swirling Black Clouds and the Sound of Church Bells in a German Forest
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by Kamasylv: …This buzzing went on and after 20 minutes or so, I suddenly noticed that I couldn't see as well anymore as I could. The moon was blocked by clouds, but these clouds didn't look like normal clouds. They looked like thick walls of fog just way higher up than fog should be…
Written Confession: Two Brothers Terrorized for Years Living in a Haunted House, and No One Believed Them
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: When my brother was 6 and I was 4, we moved house. My brother remembers that the first night we slept there he had trouble getting to sleep, and his eyes kept focusing on something in his room that looked like the outline of a person standing at the foot of his bed. He says the next morning I said there had been a “wiggly man” in my room that night….
Written Confession: "Are They Dead?"
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …I currently have an apartment with another family member and we have lived here for about a year now. We noticed some weird noises when we first moved in but put it down to the thin walls. We consistently had an eerie feeling about the place but we ignored it til now. Starting in July the family member I reside with told me she saw a man in the kitchen…
Written Confession: Voices of Disembodied Girls in the Dining Room
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: My (now ex) husband and I were laying in bed talking one night after we put our kids (a 15 month old and a newborn at the time) to bed when we heard what sounded like 2 little girls giggling in our dining room. Our bedroom was off the dining room and the dining room was between our room and the kids room…
Written Confession: The Eyeball Painting is Watching
The following confession was posted via Reddit: Around 2 weeks ago my girlfriend was heading to my place to visit; and she picked up a painting that was left on the side of the road. I live in a duplex with a few other people and just moved in this year; so my room is still pretty bare and she thought the painting could spice it up a little. I didn’t think anything of it and hung it up overlooking my bed. The first few nights were fine; but then I started getting a really uneasy feeling…
Written Confession: She's Trying to Get Your Attention
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: Alright this is a quick story. My MIL is a very spiritual person. My husband has told me stories of paranormal stuff that happened in his childhood home his whole life. I didn’t really think anything of it until this particular stay. One night we are sleeping in his old bedroom. I have never really slept great there just because there’s always an uneasy feeling….
BLOG: 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App
It’s a dangerous business going out your front door, and there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to, but you don’t have to be Frodo to explore an unknown destination for an extraordinary adventure! Or a strange adventure. Or a creepy one. Or all of the above. Users of the curious app Randonautica are exploring the world around them, and documenting the weird journey. Are these locations truly random points on the map, or does the purposeful power of the mind manifest a synchronistic reality? Here are 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App!
Written Confession: The Old Woman With the Pet Finger
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: …This happened when I was a child. I was 4-6 years old. I was staying the night with my aunt and my cousin( 2-4yoF). My parents were celebrating their anniversary. She lived in an apartment above a small grocery store. Me and my cousin were sharing a bed in my cousin’s bedroom. I am sleeping on the edge of the bed and my cousin is against the wall. Nothing seemed odd before we went to bed. We went to sleep. Sometime in the night I woke up because I thought I heard a creaking sound, like a door opening…
Written Confession: 3:00 AM in the Haunted Ambulance
The following written confession was shared via Reader’s Digest from Reddit contributor Zerbo: The ambulance company that I used to work for had a “haunted” ambulance: rig 12. A lot of EMTs had stories about it, but I never put much stock in paranormal stuff. That is, until I had my own experience with rig 12. My partner and I were working in a rural community at 3 a.m., and it was pitch-dark and completely quiet….
Written Confession: Little Girl's 'Imaginary Friend' May Be a Spirit She's Related To
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: So my daughter just turned 4 years old. About a year ago, she started talking about her friend "Eda" all of the time. I thought she was just playing and using her imagination. She never actually would play with the friend in front of anyone though. She would just tell me about her friend who she apparently met at her Nana's (great-grandmother on her father's side) house. I never really thought too much of it at first….
Written Confession: The Hanging Chandelier Woman
The following written confession was shared by Snoo-390 via Reddit: I've always seen paranormal beings since I was a child. However, ever since I'd moved in to the new house there were countless encounters - some being random incidents, others recurring. Let me give you guys a brief layout of my house: (First of all, it literally LOOKS haunted. I've had so many different friends come and visit and their first comment is always "your house looks haunted".) It's an old traditional wooden styled house where there is a huge spiraled staircase in the center of the home….
Written Confession: A Premonitory Apparition Saves a Life
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: My grandmother swore by this story till her dying day. It was during the war in London, and my dad was a baby. She was bombed out of her house and was staying with a friend….
Written Confession: The "Hands-On" Victorian Terror
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by D_Aeon: When I was a child, I lived in an old Victorian house, and I would always hear laughing while I was trying to sleep. I was an only child with a single mother, and when I was about 5-6, I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night…