BLOG: A Trip Down the Conspiratorial Rabbit Hole with That Lady on a Plane and the "NOT REAL" Shapeshifting Person - Everything We Know So Far
Twitter is an uncivilized wilderness of weirdness. The latest, greatest descent into the rabbit hole of the Twitterverse comes courtesy of a viral video of a lady on a plane aggressively accusing her seat mate of being “not real.” On the surface, it could be relatively easy to dismiss the clip as a case of too much booze before boarding, or even a medical episode of delusion. But in the days since the original video first emerged, this particular rabbit trail has gotten curiouser and curiouser.
VIDEO: Large Unidentified Creature With Glowing Eyes Filmed on Rooftop... And It Leaves a Skeleton Behind?
In a short clip posted to Youtube, a man appears to capture an unsettling encounter with an unidentified creature on his roof. Between the large head, huge glowing eyes, and the dubious skeletal carcass its seems to leave behind, the sighting provides many more questions than answers. Do you think this video is an entertaining hoax, or the real deal?