480: The Hidden Origins Of Skinwalker Ranch | Clyde Lewis
On Episode 480: The Hidden Origins of Skinwalker Ranch, we are joined by broadcasting legend Clyde Lewis! Recently on Ground Zero, Clyde predicted Queen Elizabeth's death a week before it happened. We start out talking about how he reads the dystopian tea leaves to predict such things, which have become a regular occurrence for his show. We then discuss Clyde's own bigfoot encounter which was seen by many people in the moment. The conversation steers in an unexpected direction when we talk about Skinwalker Ranch, and Clyde and I find out we have a lot in common as we compare notes on our personal experiences with the mysterious location of the Uinta Basin.
479: The Host and The Body Snatcher (Members)
In Episode 479: The Host and the Body Snatcher, we are joined by Andrew, who presents a unique topic of conversation: Andrew’s girlfriend has a multiple personality disorder, and I set up an interview to speak with them because the show frequently dives into demonic possession; in some cases, the characteristics of possession and multiple personality disorder seem to have many similarities. The night before Andrew, his girlfriend Pam, and myself were originally scheduled to record, I had one of the most horrifying dreams I can remember. In the dream, I was recording a video interview with a couple, when the woman started to manifest as a demon and crawl through the screen at me…
478: New World Order's Most Hunted Journalist | Shepard Ambellas
In this jam-packed episode that runs in to Overtime, Shep shares his run-ins with the paranormal and his life on the run from the New World Order. In the first two hours, he shares how he had three extremely up close and personal encounters with UFOs, two of those encounters occurring with friends from high school. He also had what he knows now to be a dogman encounter that was within six feet of him during a camping excursion. In another two-hours Overtime segment, Shep discusses the time he stumbled into an underground vampire coven, and tells us all about how he has fled the United States after multiple experiences of people chasing him down for the information he was releasing to the world. Shep believes Planet X is coming, and the information he shared about it has almost gotten him killed multiple times.
477: Shades Of Reality (Members)
In Episode 477: Shades of Reality, Collin joins The Confessionals. When he first reached out to the show, the subject line of his email read, "Life of Strange Experiences" — and he wasn't kidding. From a possible doppelgänger mother to experiences that seem like they could be instant transportation, he's got plenty of stories to share.
476: Skinwalker Encounter at Quantico Military Base
In Episode 476: Skinwalker Encounter at Quantico Military Base, we are joined by Chris, an active serviceman. He is currently stationed at Quantico in Virginia, and had an experience one night while on patrol that sent him running. Chris enjoyed hunting on one side of the base, and would set up trail cameras to see what kind of game was coming though. One night during his rounds, he climbed up into his tree stand with his computer to pull the trail cam images off his SD card - and there Chris had one of the most terrifying encounters of his life. He watched as a deer walking on all fours suddenly started walking upright. Then the deer did things that should not be possible, like speaking to Chris in the eeriest of ways, before returning to all fours and walking away. This encounter lasted over for an hour, and Chris’s stories don't end there. In an Overtime episode and in the second segment, Chris shares what would turn out to be his first encounter with a skinwalker as a teenager back home in California. That encounter was extremely up close and personal, including physical contact, and leaves us wondering whether Chris has been followed by this entity over the years.
475: Ash From Hell (Members)
In Episode 475: Ash From Hell, we are joined in studio by Blake and Josh. When I moved to Tennessee, Blake contacted me asking if he could make a desk for my new studio as a “welcome to the South” gift. This past weekend, that desk was delivered, and while Blake and Josh were at the studio, I wanted to hear their experiences as well. We begin our conversation with Josh and Blake describing how a friend of theirs seemed to get possessed and screamed that "they" were dragging him to hell. During this ordeal, he asked Blake and Josh to draw a pentagram on his forehead. As if that wasn't scary enough, after the event was over there was physical evidence left behind suggesting that hell had come to them.
474: Rise Of The Nephilim
In Episode 474: Rise of the Nephilim, we are joined by Joel and Sean from Operation Kill The Mockingbirds to discuss Joel's working theory on why people are being abducted, and how the Fallen Angels are creating a Nephilim hybrid army for a final epic battle of the gods!
473: Booneville Dogman and Satanic Sacrifice Cover-Up (Members)
In Episode 473: Booneville Dogman and Satanic Sacrifice Cover-Up we are joined in studio by returning guest Emmett from episode 387: Hunter Encounters Dogman. He stops by to share a dogman encounter story which he was told by a co-worker and it sounds eerily similar to his own siting he had. Since his last appearance on the show, he has also had a very lucid dream involving a dogman that left him feeling like it was meant to tell him something. But what he was most interested in discussing was some information he has been looking into about a major company located in Arkansas that might be running a "satanic sacrifice factory" pretty much out in the open. He shares his thoughts and theories on the topic and presents them in a way that left me feeling like it wasn't impossible.
472: Peru's Megalithic Cave of Mystery
In Episode: 472: Peru's Megalithic Cave of Mystery, we bring on Derek Olson, the owner of Megalithic Marvels. Derek joins The Confessionals to talk about two of his biggest passions in life - searching for evidence for lost ancient technology and evidence of ancient giants/hybrid beings. He also shares some of his research on DNA and genetic anomalies of the Paracas skulls. But first, he starts us off with a journey he went on in Peru, where he was led into a largely unknown megalithic cave that the locals believe has mystical powers. When a shaman came into this cave to perform a ritual, things got weird. With people gathered around during the ritual, one man let out a blood-curdling scream as he was targeted by something from another realm inside the ancient cave.
471: Shifting Allegiances (Members)
In Episode 471: Shifting Allegiances, we are joined by Charlie, the father of former guest and current Merkel Media film crew member Joel Thomas from VanTesla. When Joel was on the show, we mentioned how his father was at one time in his life pursuing a Satanic cult path to find his place in the world, and when I heard that I knew I had to talk to Charlie. In Episode 471, he talks to me about his experiences with the satanic cult and, when it didn't go as planned, how he had a miraculous moment where he turned his life over to Jesus Christ and never looked back. Charlie also shares what he's seen and experienced from wizards performing magic to demonically possessed people.
470: MUFON's Holosky
As many know I attended the Paranormal/Dogman Conference hosted by Josh Turner from the Paranormal Round Table earlier this month. I brought my recording equipment in hopes of interviewing people attending the conference and releasing our discussions as an episode. While I did get to have several people record with me, our time was cut short after the fourth guest. To add to the episode, I decided to include a few short interviews I had stored in order to give today’s episode more length and content. On Episode 470: MUFON's Holosky, we will be switching back and forth between interviews from the Paranormal/Dogman Conference, and interviews recorded in the studio!
469: Life Spawning The Paranormal (Members)
In Episode 469: Life Spawning the Paranormal, Allie joins The Confessionals to share her story. When she was a young girl, Allie and her family carried an extra “passenger" in their car that appeared to her parents. That event seemed to set her life off on a crash course with the paranormal. It seems like as she went through life, the harder it got meant the more paranormal things would take place.
468: The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals
In Episode 468: The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals we bring Adam into the studio! A few weeks ago, Adam emailed me after hearing me discuss CERN, Oak Ridge, portals in those locations, and entities coming through them. Adam experienced an event that lasted three days and traversed multiple locations. One late night when he was fishing near the Oak Ridge facility in Tennessee, he encountered UFOs acting in strange ways that hadn’t yet been heard about on this show. Those UFOs led to him encountering portals, and culminated in a high-speed chase down the highway with creatures trying to push Adam’s car off the road. How Adam survived their attack will leave you on the edge of your seat, as it did me sitting across the table from him!
467: Galactic Attachments (Members)
In Episode 467: Galactic Attachments, Shane joins the show. He shares his progression into a spiritual lifestyle that on the surface seemed fine and positive. But little did he know that beneath that paper-thin surface was a storm brewing that would soon engulf his life.
466: What Is CERN?
Dave Zed breaks down today what he believes CERN to be and what its true intentions are in the world. Is it simply a harmless underground 17-mile-in diameter, particle accelerator that crosses the border of Switzerland and France? Or, is there something more to it that they aren't telling us? Is it opening portals to another dimension? Are things actually coming through these supposed portals? If the latter is true, could we possibly be living in the real-life version of Stranger Things or worse? We explore these topics in today's episode, "What Is CERN?"
465: Becoming The Hunted (Members)
In Episode 465: Becoming The Hunted, we have two interviews in one episode! We start off with Jon, who has had different paranormal experiences but never knew how to handle them. It wasn't until he tuned into The Confessionals and heard a discussion about how to end these types of occurrences that he decided to try it and the results were interesting. Then, we bring on Patrick who shares a bizarre night he had with his friends while out in the woods. They were looking for a place to do target practice and they ended up running into a lady in white, seeing a floating window, and being hunted by a creature that looked a lot like what is commonly described as the rake.
464: The Bigfoot, The Witch, and The Dogman
In Episode 464: The Bigfoot, The Witch, and The Dogman we are joined by Erick Szilagyi from the uNcomfortable podcast. Erick was connected to me by Joel from VanTesla, who has been a guest on Erick's show several times. Erick comes to the table with many experiences to share, but it was his experience with a witch that kicks off the show. Erick was just beginning his podcast and got connected to a witch who was willing join his show for a conversation. Erick decided to meet up with her in person to record, and that meeting turned into dinner plus more. What then ensues Erick describes as one of the most bizarre nights of his life. From Bigfoot coming close to their location, unexplainable vocalizations, unnatural hyper-sexualized tensions, to dogman guarding the witch and the witch herself physically transforming before Erick's eyes! Needless to say, he has a jaw-dropping story. Following the initial episode, we decided to do an Overtime segment for members that lasted almost three hours! Erick shares all his other experiences and they are just as bizarre as the first hour, including a story that is so personally sensitive for him that we can't speak or even hint about it publicly.
463: The Cursed Mask (Members)
In Episode 463: The Cursed Mask, we are joined by William to share his frightening experience with a haunted mask from Papua New Guinea! When he brought the mask home, he thought nothing of it other than it would look good on a shelf. But things took a turn for the worst when activity kicked up and it became undeniable that something was specifically haunting him. William heard voices under the floor, saw apparitions, and caught EVPs on audio recordings, which are played in this episode! His cursed mask, which had human body parts attached to it, was eventually removed from his home - only for it to unexplainably find its way back to him. This is a wild story about a guy who innocently brought something home that would soon come to haunt him mercilessly.
462: Bigfoot Hunter | Aleksandar Petakov
In Episode 462: Bigfoot Hunter, we are joined by Aleksandar Petakov, a filmmaker and bigfoot hunter. He is notably known for his series through Small Town Monster entitled "Bigfoot Beyond The Trail" where he is actively boots on the ground searching for the elusive cryptid. Working with Small Town Monsters, Aleks has been able to stay true-to-form and avoid network executives trying to manipulate his tactics or videos for the purpose of selling a product. On Episode 462 we discuss places he has gone, his general thoughts on cryptids, and back-and-forth bigfoot banter.
461: The Neighborhood Exorcist (Members)
In Episode 461: The Neighborhood Exorcist we are talking with Murray. He has an interesting story as his paranormal encounters didn't start with him but rather with his wife. She started having things happen to her and he just brushed it off mostly until it started affecting his son. That's when Murray started reading books about these phenomena and then decided to put what he was learning into action. After a while he found himself exorcising demons pretty regularly but when complete strangers started coming to his house to ask for him to help them with their demons, Murray knew he was being set apart for something special. Now, he still is actively casting demons out of anyone that comes to him for help and he is recording these demons' names in his notebook.