440: High Strangeness In New Mexico
In Episode 440: High Strangeness in New Mexico, we are joined by Raul, who shares a multitude of stories, ranging from giants, bigfoot, and UFOs, to demons and witches getting possessed on purpose as part of their process of getting rid of evil spirits.
439: Bloody Bodies In The Snow (Members)
In Episode 439: Bloody Bodies In The Snow we are joined by Charlie Robinson from Macroaggressions and Mark. We start out chatting with Charlie about his podcast and books and why he works to expose how the world really operates. Then we talk to Mark about his life dealing with the paranormal. It started when he was a kid and he and a friend had a dramatic experience in the forest that left them terrified. He believes that this incident was a marking point in his life that brought on more encounters and experiences. Among the things he shares, he talks about how later in life he was a school principal and he had to deal with a little girl that seemed to legitimately be able to see dead people.
438: Dreams of Repressed Memories
In Episode 438: Dreams of Repressed Memories, we are joined by Missy, who has had many paranormal experiences since early childhood, ranging from shadow entities with glowing red eyes to UFO and alien encounters. As an adult, Missy and her spouse played with an Ouija board, and called forth more experiences than she was looking for.
435: Hybrid Babies & Galactic Court (Members)
435: Hybrid Babies & Galactic Court (Members); Mystery Kink
431: The Church From Hell (Members)
In Episode 431: The Church From Hell, Nick joins us for his third and final installment of his life experiences. When he was released from prison, he and his wife were essentially homeless, until a church offered their property to the couple and allowed them to live there until they were back on their feet. That seemingly beneficent gesture turned into years of horror, as Nick and his family learned that the church had some dark things happening within it. Not only did the Christian church have witches in positions of leadership, but while living there Nick experienced so many incredible events: orbs going through his body, alien-like beings inside the building, succubus encounters, skinwalker sightings, demons going after children, Nick being picked up and thrown across a room, and witch seances outside on the property. With the abuse Nick and his family endured, it's safe to say that they literally lived in the church from hell.
430: Chipped In My Chest
In Episode 430: Chipped In My Chest, we are joined by Nick, who reached out to The Confessionals to talk about the paranormal experiences he went through leading up to his incarceration. Nick has dealt with demonic entities, UFOs, and even pulling a chip out of his chest. In a follow-up Overtime episode, Nick also shares the amazing supernatural experiences that occurred during his seven-month stay in jail, which just might leave listeners in shock and awe!
429: Drugs and Demons (Members)
In Episode 429: Drugs and Demons, we welcome Judy to The Confessionals. Sometimes it seems like certain life circumstances can spawn paranormal activity in someone’s life, and that holds true in Judy’s case. Because of an abusive situation at home, Judy found herself as an emancipated minor in the 1970s, and she hitchhiked all over the country from ages 13 to 21. In her travels, she became mixed up in the wrong crowds, ranging from drug activity to satanic witchcraft cults. As a result of her personal life experiences and witnessing demons and demonic possessions, Judy was later motivated to get a degree in psychology. She believes that some people diagnosed with schizophrenia are in fact misdiagnosed, and more likely are really demonically possessed. Judy's life was a whirlwind of drama, but she made it through the rough spots and hopes to inspire others into understanding they are not alone in these experiences.
428: Childhood Abductions
In Episode 428: Childhood Abductions, we are joined by Robert, who has had a wild life of experiences with abductions. As a child, Robert was “checked on” by aliens, but they rejected him because, according to them, he was "flawed." Police were once called to Robert’s residence because his parents were convinced someone had broken into their house. But when the police discovered that the breaking and entering had occurred in Robert’s room, he knew it was not a human who had come into the house. Robert has lived with these memories since childhood, and they recently came full circle when he met a friend of his girlfriend’s, who told him that she too was abducted as a child. Even more strangely, she revealed to Robert that she actually recognized him, because when she had been abducted, the aliens would frequently stop at Robert’s house where she would see him through the window. Then, she proceeds to describe Robert's childhood home in perfect detail, proving to him that she was present during his abductions!
427: Talking Red-Eyed Bigfoot (Members)
In Episode 427: Talking Red-Eyed Bigfoot, Morgan, a Native American in British Columbia, joins The Confessionals to share his history with the bizarre things that go bump in the night. Over the years, we have had other guests share the strange things they experienced living on reservations, and Morgan's reservation is no different. Both he and his family have had unique run-ins with bigfoot. He tells us about shapeshifting bigfoot, and his uncle’s experience talking with a red-eyed bigfoot in their native tongue – even though his uncle didn't even know how to speak the native tongue. His aunt also witnessed a goatman, who seemed more manlike than anything, until she looked down and realized he had hooves! Finally, it seems no stories from a reservation would be complete without rake sightings, and Morgan shares them with us too.
426: Police Officer's Paranormal Life
In Episode 426: Police Officer's Paranormal Life, we are joined by Dave. Dave doesn't listen to The Confessionals and didn't know he was scheduled for an interview until a few weeks beforehand when his wife Brandy sprung it on him! Even though he wasn't prepared to tell his experiences, Dave didn't disappoint. He begins his story by revealing that his ancestor, Bridget Bishop, was the first person executed for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials in 1692. Considering that this family history could be a reason for the paranormal experiences in his life, Dave goes on to tell us about Hatman, his experiences on duty as a police officer, and even his strange relationship with electronics, in which he seems to drain them of all their energy.
425: Underwater Panther In Lake Erie (Members)
In Episode 425: Underwater Panther In Lake Erie, we are joined by Michelle as she recalls a time when she saw what appeared to be an underwater panther in Lake Erie. When the creature emerged from the water, the details she saw seemed almost prehistoric. Michelle later came across a picture on the internet of an ancient rock painting that strongly reminded her of what she had seen. On top of her strange panther sighting, she shares her other paranormal experiences, including an "old lady ghost" that seemed to take to Michelle's children in a motherly way.
424: Mountain Beast Mysteries | Justin Chernipeski
In Episode 424: Mountain Beast Mysteries, we are joined by Justin Chernipeski! Justin and I started our content creator journeys around the same time but where I went the podcasting route, Justin went the YouTube route. Over the years he has been able to build a sizable channel called Mountain Beast Mysteries on YouTube, with over 115,000 subscribers. On his channel, he creates a lot of documentary filmmaking along the subject line of bigfoot, as well as shorter educational videos on certain cases, theories, and observances. Justin joins The Confessionals to discuss bigfoot, and some of his hair-raising experiences while out looking for the creature itself.
423: Dare To Prepare with Chad Catron & Carlton Moore (Members)
A few weeks ago I spent time on an episode intro urging my listeners to prepare themselves and their households for tough times ahead. Gas prices are sky-high, our governments are on the verge of WW3, and ESG social credit scores are being implemented through the banking system. All these things and more point to very hard times for the average global citizen. So, what can you do? Though nothing is 100% the certain answer or solution, taking action now to be more self-sustainable is going to put the odds in your favor to keep food on your table for you and your family. In Episode 423: Dare To Prepare (Members), we are joined by Chad Catron from North Country Off Grid and Carlton Moore from The Farmacy Seed Network to share helpful tips on how to get started on living a life of independence and relying on your own abilities to survive.
422: Fighting Your Demons
In Episode 422: Fighting Your Demons, we are joined by Chip and Josh. Chip contacted the show to share experiences with the paranormal that he has dealt with his whole life. After listening to The Confessionals, Chip started learning new tactics for handling the demonic attachments in his life. He also invited his friend Josh to join him on the show and share what Josh has seen also. Josh is a police officer who has had his own run-ins with demonic influences while on duty. Both men tell their stories on today’s public show and an extended Overtime edition episode.
421: Backyard Abduction (Members)
In Episode 421: Backyard Abduction, we are joined by Justin, who shares some captivating experiences. Justin and his family have been having encounters with extraterrestrials for a long time, and he shares his abduction story with us. Not only does he have stories of abduction, but he also lives in a haunted house where a lot of activity occurs, including encounters with a demon dog - a sighting that is becoming an increasingly common experience on The Confessionals!