514: Terror In The LBL
In Episode 514: Terror In The LBL we are joined by Martin Groves, a retired sheriff, who recently started speaking publicly about his horrific experience in the Land Between The Lakes (LBL) back in 1993. Martin and his hunting partner, who was also a police officer, went on a weekend hunting trip that was supposed to be fun and relaxing. After spending some time in the LBL on their hunts and as nightfall approached, things turn to anything but relaxing. Martin recalls being stalked on his way back to camp where his partner was waiting for him. Then that night through a series of dramatic events, Martin and his partner came to realize that they were being hunted by three upright-walking dogmen. As one dogman came walking into their camp to show itself to them, there were two taunting them from the shadows. They fired upon the creatures and ran for the truck where they encounter more unexpected beasts. Martin and his partner escaped with their lives that night but one hunter not far from their camp wasn't so lucky. After this experience, Martin spent the next 20+ years of his law enforcement career quietly investigating these encounters people were having in the LBL. He's connected a lot of dots and wants to share what he's learned with everyone today in this two-part Overtime episode!
468: The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals
In Episode 468: The Oak Ridge Dogman Portals we bring Adam into the studio! A few weeks ago, Adam emailed me after hearing me discuss CERN, Oak Ridge, portals in those locations, and entities coming through them. Adam experienced an event that lasted three days and traversed multiple locations. One late night when he was fishing near the Oak Ridge facility in Tennessee, he encountered UFOs acting in strange ways that hadn’t yet been heard about on this show. Those UFOs led to him encountering portals, and culminated in a high-speed chase down the highway with creatures trying to push Adam’s car off the road. How Adam survived their attack will leave you on the edge of your seat, as it did me sitting across the table from him!
460: The Tennessee Triangle
In Episode 460: The Tennessee Triangle, we are joined by author Donna Hartley! Donna recently published the book Historic Haunts of Sumner County, Tennessee in which she documents the strange happenings in an area that makes up a mysterious triangle of paranormal activity. This triangle stretches from the Bell Witch Cave to the Cragfont House, and down the Long Hollow Pike. Inside its borders, there is a tendency for bizarre occurrences to be the norm! She also tells us about the things that happened in her own house that seemed to be spawned by the writing of this book.
455: The Interdimensional Creature of Tennessee (Members)
In Episode 455: The Interdimensional Creature of Tennessee, Kris shares the paranormal encounters that both he and his whole family have experienced. He tells us about seeing an old lady crawling down a hallway wall, while at the same time his mother saw strange "laser" lights. Among other things, he tells stories from his family's farm including bigfoot and a bizarre tree-shaking experience in the forest - the same type of shaking that my team experienced in Kentucky while filming Expedition Dogman.
448: Tennessee White Bigfoot
In Episode 448: Tennessee White Bigfoot, Casey shares his bigfoot experiences. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to find yourself out in the woods at night, running into a giant monster that should not exist? Casey and his family had that very experience. When he was a young kid in East Tennessee, Casey and his entire family had a very clear encounter with bigfoot one night. Though they all witnessed the creature from different vantage points, they all agree on what they saw. Later in life, Casey moved to Oregon and dove into researching the topic of bigfoot and tells us about what they've uncovered out west.
265: The Tennessee Goatman (Members)
On Episode 265: The Tennessee Goatman, we speak with Mike about a chance encounter he and his ex-wife had with a half-man, half-goat entity! He also shares an interesting bigfoot experience in which he and his mother where looking in the same direction, but only his mother actually saw the creature. The topic of bigfoot takes us down a rabbit trail about my thoughts on bigfoot research, which have helped shape my approach for hosting The Confessionals!