465: Becoming The Hunted (Members)
In Episode 465: Becoming The Hunted, we have two interviews in one episode! We start off with Jon, who has had different paranormal experiences but never knew how to handle them. It wasn't until he tuned into The Confessionals and heard a discussion about how to end these types of occurrences that he decided to try it and the results were interesting. Then, we bring on Patrick who shares a bizarre night he had with his friends while out in the woods. They were looking for a place to do target practice and they ended up running into a lady in white, seeing a floating window, and being hunted by a creature that looked a lot like what is commonly described as the rake.
350: Lady In White Was The Rake (Members)
In Episode 350: The Lady In White Was The Rake, we are joined by Brandon, who has witnessed a kind of creature or monster that some may believe to be bigfoot. He also shares his experience coming across a scary “Lady in White” and describes for us how her mouth opened wide like a hinge! Based on the things that happened through this experience, Brandon was left believing that this lady in white was in fact the rake creature that others have also reported seeing.
280: The Pale Creature of the Woods
In Episode 280: The Pale Creature of the Woods, we are joined by Reese. He and I recorded this interview a long time ago, but waited to release it because Reese was concerned that some of the activity he describes would escalate if he talked with me about it. After we recorded, his fears came true. We paused the release of the interview until now, and the story you will hear is the original conversation that stirred unwanted things up again, as Reese tells us about his hatman haunting and the tall, pale-skinned, malnourished humanoid creature of the woods that made its way into his house!
212: The Rake Monster Next Door
In Episode 212: The Rake Monster Next Door, we talk with guest Sam who has had an incredible life of distinct experiences! In one such experience, Sam and his wife came home one night to the sight of a rake monster crouching in their neighbor's yard, staring intently at his house! In addition to his rake sighting, Sam has seen a bigfoot while camping by himself, and has also encountered the infamous Hatman.
Sam was also a guest on Episode 2 of Hammer Lane Legends, "Hauling Fuel In Enemy Territory." Sam was a civilian driver over in Iraq for our military! He volunteered to go into harm’s way to make sure our troops had supplies they needed, and his willingness to serve our military left him with stories that he will be telling for years. From driving over landmines, to driving under overpasses that were rigged to explode, to being shot at by snipers, Sam joins Tony and Brian to share his dramatic stories of hauling fuel in enemy territory.
127: The Rake | LIVE In Houston, TX
Episode 127: The Rake - LIVE in Houston, TX. The Confessionals went to Houston for our first live show, and the full audio is now released as a downloadable episode! During our live interview, guest Guy joined us to share his sighting of two creepy Rake creatures in the Dallas, Texas area!