344: The Goat Person (Members)
In Episode 344: The Goat Person, we talk with Deborah, who witnessed a goatman on her property - and that encounter was minor compared to some other events she’s experienced! Deborah has dealt with the paranormal her entire life, with something seeming to follow her to any place she’s lived. Whatever is following Deborah knows no boundaries - she has felt something evil sitting on her bed, been scratched with the dreaded, telltale three scratches, and even encountered it while showering in her home.
339: Goatman Found Us
In Episode 339: Goatman Found Us, we are joined by Terry Carnation from the Dark Air podcast! Terry relates his journey back into broadcasting after a hiatus prompted by the mysterious loss of his wife. We also have the opportunity to ask Terry his thoughts on bigfoot, dogman, and even the elusive ‘duckman’ that wars with the reptilians!
Following our chat with Terry, we welcome back Jamaal from Episode 315: Skinwalkers On The Reservation. Jamaal recalls bigfoot experiences that have been shared with him, including an occasion when his friend’s grandfather shot at a bigfoot he caught stealing his sheep. Jamaal also describes a run-in with the mysterious goatman that seemingly found him and his friends while they were in the middle of a paranormal investigation.
265: The Tennessee Goatman (Members)
On Episode 265: The Tennessee Goatman, we speak with Mike about a chance encounter he and his ex-wife had with a half-man, half-goat entity! He also shares an interesting bigfoot experience in which he and his mother where looking in the same direction, but only his mother actually saw the creature. The topic of bigfoot takes us down a rabbit trail about my thoughts on bigfoot research, which have helped shape my approach for hosting The Confessionals!