402: Fairy Lights (Members)
In Episode 402: Fairy Lights we are joined by Sam who has some stories of how he started seeing balls of light after moving to a new house. He would go outside to enjoy the environment at night and would regularly see lights that were unexplainable. He started telling his parents what he was seeing but they didn’t really think much of it. That is until one night Sam’s Dad was with him and witnessed it as well. They say seeing is believing, and it’s safe to say his Dad believes there is something strange going on with these lights.
188: The Scary Fairy (Members)
Thank you for tuning into another Members Episode from The Confessionals! In Episode 188: The Scary Fairy, we are actually sharing the experiences of four different people who have encountered the fringe side of life! Throughout these four interviews, we are covering all kinds of strange topics, from scary fairies and pyramid UFOs, to Dogman and swirling back masses. Today’s episode is a smorgasbord of paranormal experiences!